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best ways to get high?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by biglungblazer, Apr 27, 2012.

  1. Gravity bong bubbler waterfall or bong?
  2. Gravity bong will get you highest. IMO bubbler is def more chill
  3. And if you have extremely nice glass then the bong
  4. Fuck those, save up, buy a mid-grade vape.
  5. Realllyyyyy now? I think gbongs are funnest ;3
  6. i think bongs are the most efficient and easy way to get high(gbongs take to long and someone always ends up pushing it down in water with bud in the bowl...duh)

    but nothing is more chill then a king size joint or nicely rolled blunt to get you in that "ima fuckin pimp" mood... youll know it when you feel it hah:smoking:
  7. Gravity Bong if I want to get really stoned and have the place and time.
    Bubbler if I want to chill out without much preparation, same with bowl.
    Waterfall has same principles as gravity, if there is a time place and want for stone then hell yes.
    And for the bong, my normal choice of smoking at home.
  8. Chillums!!!!
  9. Knife hits!!!! :smoke:
  10. Bongs/Bubs

    Nothing beats the sound of the glass slide, but I love my joints as well.

  11. Ahahah so true, everytime I roll a king size I feel fucking badass :cool:!
  12. definatly go the bong.... its fucking awesome when you hotbox a room and milk your glass bong until your eyes start to vibrate.... ;)
  13. you should try making edibles, if you cant do either a waterfall or from a bong, you'll be high no matter what !!
  14. Edibles and bong rips my friend
  15. take 4 hits from a grav preserve your stash and get higher than ever
  16. I am old school. I still enjoy the classic J.
  17. Smoking weed?
  18. shooting up buds.
  19. i like all methods, but the best all around is the bong toke. right now though my go to has been vaping.

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