Hey, Im a newb at smoking so I'm just wondering if theres any tips or tricks to be done to make the hits on a pipe smoother. (other than doing everything like packing, lighting..etc properly) Thanks in advance. Heres a pic of my pipe if it helps
Eh, if the glass is thin or if its thick for that matter the sudden temperature change will contract/expand your glass which will ultimately fuck it up.
Yep, next time your windshield freezes go dump some hot water on it and watch what happens. And don't sue
when i smoke pipes/joints i like to draw the smoke into my mouth first, then inhale. makes hits much nicer, but a bit smaller.
i agree with you spoob. What i used to do was every smoke sesh i had i would try to take the biggest hit i could 1 time like hacking up a lung hits... So with time i could take as big of hits as i want. Itll get way easier to tell how big of a hit youre actually taking too with time and more smoking