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Best way to vape in the bathroom?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Purp Skurp, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. Before anybody tells me to smoke outside I do 99% of the time but I tried this a couple days ago when nobody was gonna be home for a long time. So I went in my bathroom with my mflb, jar of weed, jar that I put my grinder and mflb in, I closed the vent put a towel under the door, opened the window and vaped for like 10 ish minutes. Then it didn't smell, so my question is if I turn the shower on full heat and let it steam a bit and I vape with the window closed and vent closed will it smell? I would also be taking a shower after a couple hits.
  2. The mflb has so little smell you don't need to worry about all that
  3. it is a vape, so it should smell like burnt popcorn.
    which means there shouldnt be any worries.

    stop vaping inside mommy & daddy's house if you are scared of the repercussions.
  4. you'll be fine man
  5. [quote name='"bruhlazer"']The mflb has so little smell you don't need to worry about all that[/quote]

    Maaaaaan I just got one of those and it smells like straight buddddddddds! First night I had it I was vaping in my basement thinking it was okay and my mom walked down to get something and was piiiiiised. Hahaha.

    Nah, the vapor itself isn't bad. In the shower you would be fine. But the smell from opening my weed jar engulfs the room in the smell of straight dank. God forbid I have to grind a bud....

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