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Best way to smoke a joint?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by imapwnstar, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. In the UK people make spliffs with tobacco and weed with king size slim rizla (papers). Would making pure weed but with smaller rizla, like the ones you roll normal cigs with be more efficient? (btw making spliffs with just weed wont work because most of my friends prefer it like that anyway as it saves weed). :smoke: Happy smoking! :smoke:
  2. Do you use the blue papers or the grey? The blue are the ones to have in Bolton. But yeah, if you wanna smoke a pure weed joint, you can use a small one, it will be more efficient but only a little. You could just use a king size and make it thin, so it doesn't really matter.
  3. I like spliffs but I'm also addicted to cigarettes

    its all preference
  4. Spliffs man. small green rizla with half a gram of weed goes down well and is good for smoking in public.

    find a quiet place like an empty street or an outdoor car park (i normally cross mine anyway on the way home from work), light up the joint, smoke it down to get as much of it as it burns away, enjoy the walk.

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