Best way to sex? :)

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by CaptainP, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. * this is all just a hobby / for education purposes***i

    I currently have two different unknown strains growing in my cabinet... I have cloned them each and those clones have rooted... And have now been transplanted.

    Since then I took 3 more clipping and they are currently waiting to show me roots

    My question is: what's the best/ easiest way to sex these two strains with what I have now?

    Ex: should I put the " mothers " in 12/12 and wait to show sex? Or should I throw a routed clone under 12/12 to find out?
    Any other ideas?

  2. It's really up to u! As long as all the clones are from the same mom no matter which one u flower will show sex for all.
  3. So if I understand what your asking, should you use the clone or the "mother" to put into bud (12/12) so you can sex ASAP ?

    Which one do you think would POP first?

    Which one do you care less about?

    Which one would give you the best buds if you flip it now?

    Let us know.....Subbed

    Later :wave::wave::wave:

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