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Best Way To Roll a Joint?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by balanala, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. what are some of your favorate methods for rolling a J?
  2. Pack my weed into a cylindrical shape and wrap smoking paper around it.
  3. im partial of the backflip method, if you get the hang of it, it gives you a tightly rolled j with minimum paper used

    plus they look cool when you light the excess paper

  4. I've recently been doing the backflip method myself, those joints burn so well, so I'd have to say thats my favorite method too.
  5. by hand of course! but seriously I do a little of everything, regular, cone, backflip, and more recently the Wiz Khalifa since that video went around.
  6. grind up the marijuana
    grab a rolling paper
    roll it

  7. If you search you will find a guide some where in the forums.

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