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Best way to manage kief?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Rastafari, May 28, 2010.

  1. So I have about 3 grams of PURE kief...& I wanted to know what was the most efficient way to get the highest from it? Should I just eat it all? Mix it with food?
    (Idk cause usually I never let it accumulate too much & would just sprinkle them on my J's)
    Anyone have alot of experience with using kief? Thanks!:smoking:
  2. You could compress it into a pill and smoke it or just sprinkle it on top of some bowls or bong rips, usually the best way to go about it is to smoke it with actual weed too but if you're just tryina hit the kief usually pieces of sometimes like on top of a knife and use a straw to get all the smoke.
    never tried the latter though
  3. I would use it as a bowl topper, don't touch the lighter to it though hover it over and it'll start to vape, otherwise you just waste the kief.

    Hot knifing is a really efficient way also but you need one of the older ovens to heat up the knives since the electric range is hard to keep the knives on for so long.

    If you have some sticky buds you can just roll it around in kief then put it in a bowl (I suggest breaking it into semi-large pieces with a scissor so you don't lose much kief from the bud) and smoke it. It gets you really high

    Whichever way you decide to use it you'll get high. You'll probably get the highest off hot knifing though
  4. I would use it as a bowl topper, don't touch the lighter to it though hover it over and it'll start to vape, otherwise you just waste the kief.

    Hot knifing is a really efficient way also but you need one of the older ovens to heat up the knives since the electric range is hard to keep the knives on for so long.

    If you have some sticky buds you can just roll it around in kief then put it in a bowl (I suggest breaking it into semi-large pieces with a scissor so you don't lose much kief from the bud) and smoke it. It gets you really high

    Whichever way you decide to use it you'll get high. You'll probably get the highest off hot knifing though
  5. Hmm I usually like to either smoke a bowl of pure kief or ill layer a bowl with it. The latter being taking some green and putting it on the bottom of the bowl, then doing a layer of kief and then a layer of green than some more kief on top! Makes for a DECENT high. Just don't torch the fuck outta the bowl right away.

    Vaping it is pretty awesome too. :smoking:
  6. I would roll a whole blunt with it, but look who's talking.
  7. Make hash with a pollen press
    top it off on bowl
    or just save it for when your broke with no weed
  8. Don't roll it in any thing. Top off bowls with it or vaporizer it if available. Use a paint brush when physically managing it, it transports every last particle.

  9. Pack it on top of fat bowls. Simple and easy.
  10. As bad as this sounds, the best way to smoke kief by itself, is "junkie style" i.e spoon, lighter, straw; or a homemade lightbulb vape.
  11. the day before i re-up i like to take what bud i have left (usually around a gram) grind it up and then mix in all the kief i collected. works great...

    stuff that in your pipe and smoke it!
  12. The best way to manage kief is not to take it from your bud in the first place.

  13. what do you mean don't take it from your bud?
  14. this!!

  15. Do not grind it. or at least use a 2-stage. Not sure which he is implying.

    i dont really care. i grind it usually. i vape so its a must

  16. If you use a 2pc grinder, you will leave most of the kief on your bud rather than using a 4pc.
  17. Yeah, I'm definitely ordering one myself. I want to be able to grind it especially finely for the vaporizer. Also, if I want keife I can grind it finer and dry sift it through my keife box. My last "yield" has lasted me quite some time. Keife is sweet with vaporizers.
  18. What wrong with taking a little kief every now and then? It always gets me noticeably higher than normal bud and makes for a nice treat.
  19. #19 lwien, May 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2010
    Because after using a 4pc for years, I finally came to the conclusion that I want as much kief in my bud as I can get.............all the time.

    Not only that, but a 4pc won't grind as fine as a 2pc unless you go thru the hassle of taking it apart and turning it upside down to grind, and with a vaporizer, a finer grind works MUCH better.

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