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best way to get the most smoke out of a nug?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hiimhi, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. What do you guys think? I like doing smoke tricks and would like to know ways to make the smoke "thicker"
  2. Bigger hits. Giant cloud of smoke. Best trick ever.
  3. Torch a bowl and sit it on the table burning away. I love when my friends do that :die:
  4. Slow pull on a big ass bong, a lung, a waterfall, or a gravity bong. Any of those should do the trick nicely.:D
  5. haha I take huge hits
    not sure why the smoke seems to dissolve into my lungs
  6. one word my friend. GLASS. preferably a bong my man.
  7. If you want the smoke thicker, let it flow out of your mouth slowly instead of blowing it.
  8. Get some good milk going. Corner your bowl and slowly pull. :) enjoy your herbs brother:smoke:
  9. i agree with sean, corner hit a nice glass bowl with bee line.
  10. throw that shit in a blunt muh fucka! :hello:
  11. thanks man:wave: and +rep for the beeline

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