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best way to get the highest

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by XJuniorStonerX, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. i got a bong earlier this month and it gets me super ripped but whats the smoothest strongest smoking device besides a vape/expensive bong, i dont gots any cash, just something i can make. also it cant use allot of weed
  2. Look up popper pieces
    its basically a bong except you put the end of a cig in the bowl (no screen) and place the weed on top.
    then you can pull the cig through when the weed is done burning and force all of the smoke into your lungs with a sharp inhale
    gives u mad headrush followed by a completely baked feeling
  3. Honestly, its all personal preference. For some its joints for others its peices (bongs, pipes ect..) I would try a gravity bong, fill it with hawaiian punch or another flavor instead of water for a new high. It hits smoother for me then a rolled high. :)

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