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best way to get the highest

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by XJuniorStonerX, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. i got a bong earlier this month and it gets me super ripped but whats the smoothest smoking device besides a vape i dont gots any cash, just something i can make. also it cant use allot of weed
  2. I say stick with your bong bro. Nothing beats a couple brips:smoke:
  3. There's nothing you can make that will be smoother than your bong, lol.
  4. hold your hits in
  5. Yeah, dont listen to him, unless you wanna feel light headed and associate that as being more high.:rolleyes:
  6. yo.. real shit.. work out before you toke
    really, jus jog for 20min or so if ur lazy. google endorphins rush and runners high.
    once you blaze you`ll feel fuckin invincible and be higher than normal for longer
    trust me broham.

  7. And who says pot heads are lazy? Psh.. :smoke:
  8. Bongs and vapes tend to take the cake.
    From there, its all about heat source.

    Bee line, herb irons and sizzle sticks are all good choices to make your hit taste better and feel smoother.
  9. Bong is the best Yo MAN.
  10. Well aside from vaping, bongs are the best man.
  11. Nothing beats edibles man.

  12. Firecrackers FTW!
  13. Just try different ways of smoking. Put ice in your bong, or some snow and take a hit. It gives you such a clean hit that'll get you high for hours. Try eating a mango 30mins before you smoke (tried it myself- it works). Try taking the biggest hit you can and hold it in until you puke lol. Just have fun and try new things
  14. I love taking a bong hit to get a quick high and then chilling with the vape watching tv laughing my ass off at frasier

    its my routine when i get back home from work in the morning.

    routine commencing in 3......2.....1..... :bongin:
  15. There is nothing more smooth then ripping out of a bong or vape man.

    Adding ice is about all you can do.
  16. Pack little snaps. An amount of weed you can finish out of your bong in one hit. I feel like I get higher off snaps than hitting a bowl a bunch of times.
  17. i think that exactly what your looking for is a gravity bong. i recently made a little one, out a gallon and a half gallon jug, i just pack a little hit at a time and its been giving me smooth and cooled down hits, but it still hits you hard after you exhale, it gives you a rush, i have a really high tolerance and i only need two right now to get baked, it saves a lot of bud too
  18. gbs bro (gravity bongs). They are by no means smooth lol, your gonna cough, but youll get fuuucked up. Make a big one out of a 2/3 liter bottle and a bucket.
  19. a gravity bong hit usually is a big hit and so it takes longer time for all the thc to be absorbed. thats why i like to hold in big hits, i dont feel light head, just highhher :cool:
  20. transcendental meditation of course!

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