Im guna germ my seeds in about an hour and wana know the best way to do it. It'd just bag seed and how many should I germ to hopefully get 1 plant like 4? Please get back to me quick thank gc and peace
Best way to do it is to wet a paper towel in warm water fold the seed up in it and put it in a tuberware container. Put the container in a drawer or something for 2 days. Then check them and they'll have a tap root. Thats when you plant them. If you want 1 Female plant, I'd germ 3 seeds to be sure. Good Luck
I like the soak for max of 24 hours (after 12 any that do not sink, poke to see if they sink). If sunken, it means they absorbed water which triggers germination. Once sunken, remove, place in damp paper towels. You should have taproots within 24 hours. 100% germ rate on 10 seeds so far.
I just go for a soak in a shot glass of water for a day. Then make sure they sink by taping the water if they already haven't sank then just plant in soil as norm.. Put in a warm place.. Light not needed yet.. Add a ziplock bag blown up on top as a humity dome and then secure with a rubber band.. I've had 90% if not more success rate with this..