Best way to Germinate?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by theKINGofKRONIC, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. Was arguing with friend about it just wondering what you guys think.

  2. I'm sure no group of growers will agree completely because I think everyone has their own method that works best for them. Personally I've had good luck with the paper towel method (fold and wet a paper towel, stick the seeds inbetween the folds, place the paper towel in a zip lock bag and then put the bag on something slightly warm, like a DSL/cable modem...wait 24-48 hrs for the seeds to crack, then plant in soil).
  3. Ya that's what my friend swears by and that is the method i used last year to but this year I'm going to try to just put a few in a cup with distilled water and see if that works better.
  4. I have done well with the papertowel method... but different strokes for different folks, ya know.:smoking:
  5. You can use a combo by soaking the seeds in water for 24 hours then putting them in paper towels. I normally just use the paper towel method from start to finish.
  6. you know what has been working for me is jiffy pellets you can buy them in a kit...wich comes with 72 pellets an containers for like 16 bucks....or you can buy a box of 32 all you do is soak the pellet with warm water an it expand and you place the seed just benith the sufrace of the pellet an you can accualy plant the pellet so there is no need to move the seed or contaminate the kill 2 birds with one stone works for me ever time:)
  7. I have tried the paper towel, dinner plate and bowl way
  8. People use the paper towel method and say it works great. I also have NEVER had a problem with the cup of water method, when they crack I give them another day then into the 1" cubes. I started doing this after watching "Mr.Green I Grow Chronic" waaay back in the day. Both methods work great imo, I just think the paper towel method is more popular. Peace out.
  9. Thanks for all the responses guys. :bongin:
  10. I just drop the straight in the dirt, never had a problem...

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