Okay so idk where else to post this lol but im getting some new seeds in soon some swwet seeds sweet cheese auto and i dont wanna fuck things up from the beginning. Ive done the whole wet paper towel thing for germinating but whats the best way or is thay it lol and help or input would be awesome thanks everyone
1. Soak seeds in water for 12hrs, soak rockwool cube in ph 5.5 water. 2. insert seed into medium pointy end down 1/2cm deep and close hole. 3. switch on lights to desired photoperiod and leave alone for afew days. Photoperiod needs to be at least 16 hours/day, more hours speeds up growth but more males and preflowers take longer to show.
I use a plain black tea.Soak in the frig for 24 hours.The tannins kill any bacteria,and soften the husk. Plant in moist medium in a dome with a cfl,or floro if possible. 100% success so far for me so far.
i soak mine is water for 24 hours.. then i pull them out and place them in moist paper towel until the tap root appears. then take tweezers and without touching the tap root. make a small indention with your finger and place it tap root down and cover it... try and keep the temperture around 78 degrees for the next 2-5 days until they appear.. also if they appear to be struggling getting the shell off then a little help never hurt but be very very gently.. im 15 out of 15 like this...
Yea the classic way we all learned. But the reason me,and the guy before me I assume plant after the soak.No need to risk killing your seed in paper towels,or during the transfer.They are made to open in dirt.Theres no need for the extra step.
lmao, damp paper towels in a warm place.... Then add some magic tea, jump up and down 123 time while chanting "I love marijuana" to the beans. Works every time.
I never soak mine because you risk drowning the seed. I use 2 black plastic plates, wet the paper towels with lukewarm water, fold the towel so it is a rectangle about 2"x4" put the seed on it and fold it over the seed, then put it on one plate and put the second plate over it and then put it in my grow room which is 80*F and they all germ within 12-24 hours. Then when it splits and the root just shows itself(smaller the root when planted the least likely you are to damage it, although some people say the root should be at least 1/4" but I wont bother risking it.) I plant them about 1/4-1/2" deep in the soil and keep it moist until the sprout shows which is normally 3-7 days later. Remember the less times you have to transplant brings a lesser chance of shocking and killing the plant so plan accordingly with pot size. I'm using small clay pots until about week 4 and I will got to a number 3 pot which should be fine until harvest for me.
Nope regular black tea off the shelf at the store.Earl grey black tea i use. Make sure you let it cool before putting seeds in.Seems obvious,but just to be safe figured I'd mention.
This, these threads come up quite regularly and get many overcomplicated replies, not to mention the root damage from the paper towel
I've had problems with germination recently. It was always due to the temperature I keep my home at. I ended up making this device that regulates the temperature so the seed stays at a constant 76'f. My house stays at 68'f during the winter, so you can see why it caused me problems. It's relatively inexpensive to make, and if you're going to be purchasing expensive seeds I wouldn't be nonchalant about the germination. I wasted more money on seeds that didn't germinate well than I spent on this device. Here's a link to the thread: http://forum.grasscity.com/outdoor-...4-cannabis-seed-germination-breakthrough.html Might be over complicating things, but I'm not rich and can't afford to be ruining seeds.
You got wrong info there, i germed in cold and hot, below and above your min and max temps. Im not sure why it dont work for you, thats pretty shitty.
They're not "my" minimum and maximum temperatures. They're what I read in the link. It seems to explain why I had so many failures at 68, though :/
No offense,but this is totally false. Seeds dont need to have perfect temps.They will germ at 82 degrees your just being silly at this point. Does it hurt to make a perfect enviornment?No Is it a must?Hardly. Seeds have sprouted for millions of years without our help,or "perfect" climate. I specifically put mine in the frig for 24 hours to simulate winter.Then into a nice mosit medium in a warm dome to simulate spring. However many a bagseed have sprouted under my front porch.In the spring in maine.Which is very cold still at night.Not to mention under my porch is sand. Little light.cold,and sand.From what we learn all 3 are a nono,but for no reason really. People over baby their MJ.To detrament I sometimes think.
I like rapid rooters with a dome and heat mat. Just drop in a seed, put a little water in the tray and wait a couple of days. No soaking, worrying about Ph, or any of the other BS. I aim for 75 to 85 and it works well. Seeds seem to me to germ much quicker in the 80 range. Much below 75 and they seem to take longer.
I'm editing the post with the false information in it. It's only what I read and came to believe was the reason for my germination failures. Thank you for correcting me. I believe this explains it in part: Every seed has an optimum temperature range for germination. Many seeds have a fairly wide temperature range for germination, but some are limited to a narrow range. The temperature range is usually given on the seed packet or in the catalog.