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Best way to conserve?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by younginwithbud, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. When i first started smoking i was what they call a "social stoner" where you only smoke with other people for the social aspect. Now i find myself smoking by myself and i want to make sure i conserve my weed. Whats the best way to do that? A one hitter?
  2. Dugout+one hitter..yessir!

    Limit yourself to 2 small .4/.5 gram joints a night.
  3. (MFLB) magic flight launch box
  4. above i just got mine 2 hours ago im so damn stoned from 2 small trenches
  5. A vaporizer is definately the best way.. Blunts would not be the best, use a pipe or bong.
  6. and the mflb is only 100 i got mine localy for 106 happy with it better than a vopor genie that i have
  7. If you vape .3 then put it in your pipe and smoke it after you come down, I find that it gets you high while using only .3 to a half gram for two highs.
  8. Gravity bong, take my word for it.
  9. right dude i have like 4 grams of avb going to smoke it when i run out
  10. Have you ever had a vaporizer or smoke one? or even seen the nasty stuff that is left over after smoking.. You would really reconsider what you said when you do.
  11. Smoke less. It's no secret.
  12. Gravity bong.
  13. Vape + self control generally leads to conservation. Smoke less.

    Invest in a MFLB.
  14. one hitter. definitely. and roll small joints. i just went from smoking 5 to 6 grams a week to 2. its actually really easy. smoke when you know you have time for chillin. also, you'll notice how much more of a pure feeling you'll get when you take those small packs in the one hitter.
  15. man idk if you vape your weed till its black i leave mine a light brown and than smoke it or make firecrackers or swamp water joints with it are good and i have had 2 vapes so i know
    oh and 1 you dont smoke a vape bro
  16. I have had 2 vapes also, Da buddah and my current one dude.. lol you trippin me out... I also vape my weed to the same consistency, VAPED WEED TASTES LIKE ASS... worse than resin :rolleyes:

    I got a vape signature.. :rolleyes:
  17. I took 3 hits from my vape (tolerance is low also) and I found that I was still pretty high.

    I usually take 10 or so and feel slightly higher, but nothing insane.

    My point: it probably takes less than you think to get to a comfortable high.

  18. ya i got a home made one of those

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