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Best way to conserve an eighth?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by inz, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. Not even an eighth really, it will probably weigh up to about 2.5 grams. I need to try and save this bud until the weekend because I'll have no money whatsoever after I pick up tomorrow...

    How should I conserve? I have a glass chillum and a glass spoon pipe.
  2. .1's in the spoon. That's what I do.
  3. why are you asking us?
  4. Only smoke till you get high, don't finish the bowl. This way you have some for later.
  5. Roll it all into 1 giant blunt.
  6. First step, get a full 8th. Don't be a bitch and know you're getting ripped going into the situation.
  7. Definitely use glass.

  8. UK prices are fucked up, especially round here. I pay £20 for 2 grams or £25 for an "eighth" (anywhere from 2 to 3.5 grams)
  9. Make a gravity bong. Use a socket thats small enough to load one good hit in. If its dank one rip is all you need.:smoke:
  10. You need an Eigth of some dank (of course), then you need a nice glas Chillum. A chillum is the best kind of "regular" glass piece to smoke out of and conserve the ever so expensive kind Bud. And make sure you have a good, metal toothed grinder so your Bud gets fluffy Before packing the bowl to make it burn better.

    Attached Files:

  11. I don't know what's normal in the UK, but where I come from when I pay for a certain amount, I expect that amount. Stand up for yourself, bring a scale and get your 3.5!
  12. This.

    I'm starting to think the reason all the dealers in the UK rip everyone off is because no one says/does anything about it.

    Good luck OP.
  13. Damn 420 bruhhh, it costs $60 USD to buy 3.5 Grams of high grade marijuana here in St. Louis, MO, USA. U got it cheap over there mate.
  14. Were in America and here we speak American.
  15. Yea u get skeeted here u get that as whooped
  16. We actually speak English and Spanish in America
  17. Not really, 60/8th is standard here.
  18. ^Exactly... My boy is gonna hear shit about it being .1 off and he knows that, so its always right on the nose or even more then I payed for, got 15.3 on a half oz today.

    But I can't conserve anymore, I took a couple weeks off bud and realized the only way to enjoy it more then unmentionables is to get very high.. three .7 bowls and i'm done lol..

    But if your tolerence is that low get a one hitter and some dank.. I only use my 1 hitter for dank considering I only spent $7 on it
  19. ^Exactly... My boy is gonna hear shit about it being .1 off and he knows that, so its always right on the nose or even more then I payed for, got 15.3 on a half oz today.

    But I can't conserve anymore, I took a couple weeks off bud and realized the only way to enjoy it more then unmentionables is to get very high.. three .7 bowls and i'm done lol..

    But if your tolerence is that low get a one hitter and some dank.. I only use my 1 hitter for dank considering I only spent $7 on it
  20. #20 AdamSheva, Aug 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I know they're fucked up, but look around for a new dealer. I'm from Yorkshire and many people think I'm around 15/16 years old, plus I have long hair and wear skinny jeans.

    If I can get full weights in the UK any fucker can.

    25 - Eighth
    47.50 - Quarter
    95 - Half
    190 - Ounce

    All of my bud is weighed out on a digital scale by my guy, he even tells me the strain if he knows it.

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