best way to carry a pipe around?

Discussion in 'General' started by 666stoned, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. hey guys ive been wondering how to carry a average sized glass pipe around without carrying it in my pocket because its so uncomfortable and shows..any ideas?
  2. Only other ways would be in your boxers, bag, hand.
  3. Well...I'm a girl so I usually put mine in my purse, or in a makeup case in my backpack. If its not so big, it might fit a large glasses case. They also make cases for them
  4. What I do is stick a loaded cigarette pipe into a pack of cigarettes, and when nobody is looking I just take a quick hit. Works everytime.
  5. Look into crotch baggies, they are very useful for this type of situation.
  6. In your belly button

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