Best vaporizor ever?!?!?!~~?!?!

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by captainowlbear, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. I'm thinking of buying a vaporizor. I've never owned one before, so I want to start off small/cost-friendly. I don't want to buy one and it be a piece of shit, so I'm looking for a nice one. What would you recommend? (preferably under $100)
  2. Magic flight launch box is good for your price range. If your looking for a home based one its going to cost a lot more then $100 for the best.
  3. iolite. if you doubt it, then its equal to the same reasons people doubt marijuana. Hypocrite.

  4. it doesn't have to be THE best. It just needs to do it's job and be relatively efficient. I've been experiencing lung problems, so this is why I am interested in vaporizers as an alternative to smoking.
  5. 1. Iolites are 2x his budget
    2. They suck.

    OP if you need a portable vaporizer then the MFLB is the way to go, if you looking for a good at home vape then I would suggest saving $60 and get the Extreme Q or the DBV.
  6. mflb getting one on the 5th i think i am going to like it going to a movie with it and toking at it lol
  7. There is no such thing as a best vaporizer, there is no one vaporizer that does everything.

    Take a certain high quality vaporizer, it will excel in some areas and fall short in others, each vape does its own thing because there are completely different types of vaporizers!
    Because of this, you really cant compare different types of vaporizers, as it would be unfair. Unless your looking for certain things in order to help you choose a vape.

    Check out its the best vapor resource around

    DO YOUR RESEARCH or else you WILL end up with a piece of crap OR something you just dont like!! try to get a high quality vaporizer which is safe that you do like.

    Many vaporists have different vaporizers that may best suit certain situations.
  8. i succumb to your first reason but not your second.
  9. It's vaporizer. For 100 the best you can get is the Magic Flight Launch Box. There are no good plug in vapes for 100 bucks or less. Personally, unless you need stealth vaping I'd recommend you save up at least saved up the extra 50 and get an Arizer Extreme Q or Da Buddha.
    Hah Lunati beat me to this.. Well if it's a double post basically you gotta believe it's the truth :)
  10. definitely the MFLB in that price range
  11. got my ssv vape yesterday and its amazing i reccomend u buy

    da buddah vape its relativly the same thing and its 150-160 dollars and it hits real good
  12. Magic Flight Launch Box...

    its right in your price range
    its stealthy
    electric (battery operated)
    5 seconds of heat up time
    and ive heard nothing but good things about it, im getting one this month

  13. Ok im sick of these people that are talking down the iolite. Yes they are more expensive, but if you have the cash I would for sure buy one. I own one and they work wonders. Very easy to operate, no smell, and gets you faced. Stop talking shit about them when you obviously have not used one correctly!:devious:
  14. The only thing i dont like about iolites is that they are butane based...

    other than that, i love their design and the idea behind them, it just bugs me that it uses butane as a heat source compared to something like the launch box, which is electric

  15. Yea the butane can get annoying to have to refill but it is very easy and the butane is only $4-5 for a bottle that will last a long time. It would be nice if it was electric, but overall I love the thing.
  16. do you get the nasty butane taste from the iolite? or is it just pure, herby goodness?

  17. Oh no, its just pure herby goodness for sure haha. Its not like you are inhaling the butane, it is just used to power the device, no butane will come out of the mouthpiece or get mixed with your herb whatsoever.
  18. the magic flight launch box is great i have one and it works amazing

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