I have been smoking for 5 years now and have always used a bowl or joint, which has never been a problem because I lived in California so its been warm and the woods behind my house made for good cover. I have transferred to school in New York and its cold as a motherfucker and there are no woods around here, not to mention the RA is two doors down, and my roommate apparently hates the smell (already threatened to narc). I talked to a buddy and he tells me that he has a Firefly that dampens the smell, I looked and I can't afford 200+ for a vaporizer. Still everything I've read points to Ozium, a fan, window, and a vaporizer for dorm stealth smoking. I have acquired everything but a vaporizer, its been 6 days since I smoked, I desperately need help finding a vaporizer that has little to no smell while remaining cheap and portable.
I thought about just sticking to what I know like a bowl, but seeing as I can't smoke inside and it is 20 degrees here thats not really an option. Even people who aren't from Cali are talking about how cold it is.
MFLB - cheap, small and pretty smell stealthy (probably the most out of the vapes) love mine get nicely wasted!