Hey everyone, new member on the site, been smoking for almost a year now and looking for a vape for this summer. Really I'm looking for something that will be really stealthy (and not more than $150) to possibly take along for a King's Island trip and and possible room/car smoking with minimal smell and good quality for the price. Any recommendations? Not really looking for the Magic Flight, used it before and not a big fan of them.
I would assume this one: http://www.puffitup.com/v/vspfiles/photos/VapeOrSmokeNinja-2.jpg Simply because ninjas are stealthy. http://www.puffitup.com/Vape-Or-Smoke-Vaporizer-Combo-Package-p/vapeorsmokeninja.htm $130 But in all honesty, I haven't checked any ratings or reviews on it. I thought it just looked cool with the ninja!
WHAT DUDE THAT IS SO SICK I haven't seen one of these before fuck why did you have to show me.. I wanted to save my money