what do you guys reccommend, want a total setup for around 250 Shipping included, i want something i can showoff / make milk vids / looks awesome.
$50 $75 14.5" $85 GMD Mini-Waffle/Inline $85 9.5" $85 12" $90/$110 4mm/5mm 12" $94 17" 7mm $97 15.5" $100 12" (5mm) $125 18" $130/160 SYN dome 4mm/5mm 14" $140 Manifest 7mm 15" $160 HVY 9mm 15" $190 Vertigo disc 16" $210 Migrant 9mm 16" $210 SYN Mini Showerhead 17" a/c's $13 $18 $33 $37 $40 downstems $22-25 GMD $35 SSFG $35 SYN http://www.grasscity.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/302x/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/A/L/ALT-2010-07-29-305.jpg $42-50 Alex K $50 SG 180* gridded $60 SG 360* gridded $65 LG 6 arm bowls $28 Toro $32 Ben Wilson http://www.grasscity.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/302x/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/i/m/img_3620.jpg $36 2010bc $42 DD & IP (Tiniest-Largest) GMD
chose this for my tube.... http://www.grasscity.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/302x/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/A/Q/AQL-20100207-82_7.jpg this Alex K stem, ALT says outside joint is 18.8mm and inside is 14.4mm and the total length is 4 1/2inches...will this fit the above tube?
+= $190 there isn't a SYN 4mm or 5mm w/4.5" downstem, the beaker is 4.75 and the straights are 3.25-4" (see post title for actual lengths) My alternative although $36 more, would be worth the milking/boasting esp. w/a ben wilson bowl ($33 w/tax)
If it were my money, I'd get a SYN mini straight tube (12" tall, 45x5mm) for $110, upgrade the downstem with either the Sovereignty Gridded or Leisure 6 Arm ($60 and $65, respectively), and a Ben Wilson disk-diffused slide ($30). That comes to a total of ~$200. If you really felt inclined, you could also grab a SYN ashcatcher ($70).
My SYN mini has a 3 and 3/4 " diffy as well. It's tricky buying diffys, would never buy one without the bong in hand. People don't know how to measure and I've almost bought wrong sizes. Lucky it all worked out! I use a LW 6 arm diffy in my 12" 32mm bore SYN, works great!
okay guys made up my mind, asking for one more setup laid out for me, a SYN mini beaker with rasta label, can either of you fine gentlemen set me up with a diff downstem that will fit along with the wilson bowl that will also fit? this will milk and hit smoothe as butter correct?
go with the 6 arm downstem from leisure/luke wilson, and get his brother ben wilsons disc diffused slide.
I don't remember if I returned your PM (if not, I apologize. I was stoned and working of a few different things). I'd recommend going with an Alex K showerhead downstem and a Ben Wilson disk diffused slide.