Was at a goodwill yesterday and found a brand new sealed snuggle for 3.63! It's my moms birthday today..bingo. Thy even had a brand I don't remember 2 10 in subs already in a box for 40! I woulda gotten it but even if They work my cars alternator couldn't keep up with tr amp I would need for it. What are some of your sweet finds?
Man got me a cool ashtray for $1. Turned out to be a local glass man from california according to the symbol on the back... no clue how it got all the way to Long Island
a pogo stick (granted not that great but still) for 3.99 at goodwill, and various cute clothes... I want to find a really valuable antique just hiding in the ark or something behind a bunch of other stuff. antiques roadshow has always been a dream