Hi, I know there are many threads on this topic, but I have an idea. Some say storing in freezer isn't good because the crystal breaks apart or something. Also it could get too moist after defrosting. I also heard storing in a fridge also isn't good because it makes the weed too moist. So, I thought if you vacuum the container completely, eg. Tightpac, and put it in the fridge, you avoid the moisture issue because the moist can't reach the vacuumed content. The moist actually will help keep the tightness of the container. You only need to be concerned of the light in the fridge. So I am thinking if you put weed in a paperbag, then put the bag in vacuum container, it would be the best storing method. Any thoughts? Anybody already doing it?
You know about curing, right? I cure my buds, and then keep them in an (almost at least) air-tight container in the fridge. There's no light issue to speak of, since the light only turns on when you open the door... Seems to me like you're over-complicating things. Just cure the buds in a glass jar, and store the jars in a cool, dark place. How long are you planning to store them for anyway? Also, I don't think a Tightpac would create an actual vacuum... So moist buds (if not properly dried/cured), packed thightly, would probably result in mold.
Freezer storage blows it pretty much freeze dries budz like once you take them out they condensate a bit then after hitting the air for a bit crisp right the fuk up. I would HIGHLY suggest a combonation of disposable tupperware food storage containers and Food Saver air seal. Go ahead and place an ounce worth into disposable plastic containers loosely, after 4-8 containers(u can make custom length food saver bags) place lids on and finger seal 3 corners of container. Leave one corner barely open so when removing air and forming vaccum the open corner lid will let you remove air from each container before the vaccum seal closes the last corners left open. Completely removing air with an airtight storage is best for long term. Place sealled containers in food saver bags into a dry, dark cool(low 60's) to store for long periods. Remeber Food Saver is a growers best friend next to glass jars. GooD LucK
Exactly. But after curing, for long storage, isn't the fridge better as long as you let it to roomtemp before opening the glass?
It's everywhere like this. Each has different ideas from own experience, and there seem to be no one best method for storage.. Anyways.. Is it true curing in vacuum container isn't good for weed? If so why? ps. vacuum is not the same as air-tight. Vacuum is air-less in container. I have seen in some post a guy misunderstanding it.. so just in case..
That was my point. Even our vacuum machine-thingy in the physics-lab couldn't create a true vacuum. People think that a Tight-pac or something like that will create a vacuum... forget about it.
Well, tight pac sucks air out of the container at least.. I agree it's not a real vacuum that you can create in a lab environment.. But still you could say tight pac gets air out of the container, while mason jar is just air-tight. I hear different things on tight-pac too. Some say it keeps weed fresh longer than mason jar. others says mason jar is better because it's glass. I am thinking of using glass jar for curing and tight-pac kinda container for long time storage.
Mason jars are air tight. The thing with mason jars is that there are no micopores in the glass or lid. They are truly air tight, once sealed the enviroment inside does not change. Humidity and terpene levels remain constant longer than a plastic container. Most plastic has pores that over long term will allow degredation. There is also the minor issuse of possible chemical leaching of the plastic into the weed.......... Jars stored in a cool dark place keep weed fresh for a few years. The fridge is probably best for absolute long term,...........but I find a dark out of the way closet more peaceful. peace b