Best stoner game?

Discussion in 'General' started by OGirl, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Whatcha got?
    I like the Sims and Hemp Tycoon. Haha

  2. Grand Theft Auto and COD for Nazi Zombies
  3. Assassin's Creed...Any of them.

    My stoned ass gets lost in those fuckin' games for days at a time.:cool:
  4. try playing LSD dream emulator its crazy
  5. Geometry Wars!!!!!
  6. Skyrim

    When I'm super baked I get so into like I'm actually in the game and if i die in the game i do in real life. Adds a lot of intensity man
  7. San Andreas.

    Heard it was for sale on the PS store... do I buy it or just hold out for GTA:V? Decisions, decisions.
  8. Pepsi man and thread fucking closed.

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