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Best stoner backpack?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by rileyman6678, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. I am looking for a backpack that can hold a bong along with my binders? anyone know a good one that will protect my bongs glass
  2. #2 flow_culture, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    Dakine makes good backpacks that I have seen in stoner action, carrying a bong or a hookah. If you just had one or two maybe three books you might be alright but thats pretty sketch either way, books tend to destroy anything solid in a backpack, given the chance it seems. Plus the name is from Hawaiian "da kine" like "the kind (bud)"
  3. one stuffed to the brim with dank ass weed
  4. hell ya man
    i got a dakine terminal
    and it fits everything i need.
    plenty of space for a bong but you might want to put some padding or something in it for protection.

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