Best portable vaporizer !

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by JudahsHand, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Hey everyone, I just bought the NO2 portable vaporizer and i just love it! So i wanted to hear what everyone else's opinion was on what they thought the best portable vape is.
  2. In April of last year I bought the Iolite and absolutely swore by it. A few weeks ago I bought the Magic Flight Launch Box and it has put my Iolite to shame in just about every aspect so my vote goes for the MFLB.
  3. I only have a launch box so i cant compare it to anything but its amazing...
  4. I am currently looking at investing in a portable vape, can some people please tell me why the prefer the MFLB over others? I am trying to quit "smoking" and exclusively stick to vaping, and a portable vape would be a bit of a necessity at this point. Here are a few of questions I have about the MFLB

    >Durable? If I drop it will it break?
    >How does it compare to say... a Volcano? (What I smoke when I am at home)
    > Seems really small can the vapor be a bit too hot when you rip it?
  5. ive droped mine in the snow twice (had to dig around to find it)
    and it can get a little hot if you vape a whole trench consecutively but its not so hot that it forces you to stop...O BTW i always use the straw as i noticed if i didnt it got to hot for my comfort...
  6. Chris:

    Thanks for the quick reply I think I am going to purchase one of these and give it a try. It amazes me how cheap it is as well. I am going skiing soon and it will be perfect for when I am on the mountain I bet.

  7. Honestly i think the N02 is a really good choice. Its completely battery powered, it takes about 2 mins to heat up, it saves what temp you smoked last, it has a pretty deep bowl, its super easy to clean, it looks like a water bottle and has a slim body so it makes it more suttle and easier to hide.
  8. ya and the mflb is s block of wood and as small as 2 batterys and heats up in 5 secs and gets you baked way better than any shitty vapire product
  9. my DBV is nice and portable.

    so id say its the best, lol.

    i have a little compartment i store it in, in my jeep and a nice power inverter for long drive that require some vap time.

    but ive smoked the iolite, and i hated it.

    realllllly weak hits, my DBV gets a bowl done in like 4 hoots and im fucking TOASTED.
  10. getting a home vape when i move out so i can hook it to my bong hetting the dbv oh and i agree iolite sucks balls im so glad i got the mflb instead
  11. Umm not exactly. If the battries get cold they will die very fast in below freezing temps. Just bring some handwarmers to keep them warm.
  12. I'd definitely have to go with the MFLB as well. I don't own an Iolite, but I've used a friend's and hated it. The MFLB is just about perfect in every aspect. Completely battery powered, takes 4 seconds to heat up to vaping temperatures, durable as hell (And even if it does break, it comes with a lifetime warranty and they'll send you a new one), and its tiny. Other "portable" vapes I've seen on the market beg the question, "How will I smoke this while I'm out and about on my daily life?" The MFLB, on the other hand, is so small that i can completely conceal it in my hand while using it. And the hits are fantastic!
  13. iolite for sure. cant walk around chicago right now smoking a lb. the already horrible battery life would be made worse
  14. lol its not half as cold here as it thare lol -2 atm my batteries never are bad iolite sucks thats it i have used one i hated it plus its cost more in the long run becuse you have to buy butain
  15. i live in Canada and my LB works fine (20-30 min walks...)
  16. you dont know what cold is untell you live here it sucks its an ice land right now

  17. It's a piss poor choice. Vapir is the most negatively reviewed vape on the none. Lot's of qualified reports of the N02 giving off toxic smells and tastes and what is also true, is that Vapir will put out shills to astroturf various websites and give out false reviews to help sell their product.

    Before anyone chooses to purchase this product, you should read the following thread before you do:
    Vapir NO2 (Page 1) / Vaporizer Discussion / FC - Vaporizer Review Forum

  18. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i respect yours. However, from my experience my N02 works great. It works well, battery life is fine, warms up quick, and so on

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