heeeey, yo when I get high and i ain't wit my girrl friend I love stickin in a porno and just tripping out to it. I am always looking for new porns to watch, anybody have a top ten list or something of what works good for you? peace
i beg to differ. . . BDS 8 had a way better plot, and even the tertiary characters were well thought out and scripted. all though. . . really any selection of the BDS series or its sister series FDS are going to be an excellent decision.
The loin king Black cock down IndieAnal Bones and the Temple of Poon Joanie Loves Crotchie Position: Impossible E-Three: The Extra Testicle
Anything with girls making out. I usually like more hardcore stuff when sober. There's just something about two gorgeous naked girls making out that really hits me when I'm high.