Best...Political Bumper Sticker...Ever..

Discussion in 'General' started by PAGreenThumb, Feb 22, 2008.

  1. "jessus rocks my socks"
  2. HaHa. Nice. I saw this shirt that Tommy Chong wore once that said Pot is an Herb, Bush is A Dope.
  3. I saw a better one at work. It said, "[SIZE=-1]Monica Lewinsky's Ex-Boyfriend's Wife For President"

    That being said, fuck Hillary Clinton.
  4. I think Bush/Satan 2004 is a little more accurate, dont you think?
    We all know Cheney is the one who runs it all.
  5. I didn't find it even a tad bit amusing, for various reasons.

    Monica's ex-boyfriend's wife for president.. hahaha

    Attached Files:

  7. Thats funny, I ordered that and a couple others a few days ago!
  8. I see a car driving around all the time that has a bumper sticker that says "the only bush I trust is my own". Thought that was a pretty good one.

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