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best place to get a good scale?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by snoopunit, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. don't know if this is the wrong section, and i apologize if it is, but i was just wondering where the best places are to get good scales. I got one from a convenience store for like $30 but i swear it's not giving me the right readings. what's the best place to go to if i want something that actually works and how much should i expect to spend?
  2. Ebay sells good scales (make sure you buy a average priced one not just a cheap one), just make sure its the 0.01g accuracy type and not the crappy 0.1g accuracy type.
  3. weigh some coins to check the accuracy,,, better yet calibrate it,

    try deal extreme for cheap (accurate) scales brootha

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