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best place to buy mflb?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by HyPeD uP, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. puffitup has been sold out for weeks :( any other places you guys recommend?
  2. try ebay they probably have one for cheaper probably wont come with a grinder though

  3. How is the grinder that comes with MFLB? I've been looking at them myself, and I've been wondering if it is low quality or not.
  4. Got mine from, came in 2 days
  5. good suggestion, there's an ebay lot with free ON shipping, whip, and extra batteries. nice:smoke:
  6. I know. i emailed them a while ago (and got a pleasant reply back) when they were out and he told me they would be in stock the next week which they were, but i went on vacation with my family and when i got back they were out of stock again. lol

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