Best movie[s] to watch while high?

Discussion in 'Movies' started by billybob9798, Mar 12, 2010.

  1. Ok so tomorrow im going to a buddies house and need a good movie to watch while high.Doesnt have to be a stoner movie, prefferabely something funny but horror / action will do.So what is your guys opinions on what we should watch?
  2. There's a whole subforum on this, but Watership Down is a great movie while high. It's not for everybody so it may not fit your taste.

    Zeitgeist: Addendum is another good one.
  3. if youre lookin for somethin funny definately go with somethin along the lines of goodburger or freddy got fingered because of their fkin retarted haha, if youre lookin for somethin trippy then id say pink floydes the wall. but those are just my favorites, if you see somethin u think would be crazy or hilarious when youre high just rent it and try it out
  4. Grandma's boy ; Friday
  5. #5 FCFondler, Mar 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2010
  6. Your going to stay in the house on a friday night? :confused: what you should do is go see Alice in Wonderland. 9 out of 10 i say
  7. the big lebowski, harold and kumar films, lawrence of arabia, fucking bliss, altho i recommend if you cant smoke whilst you watch for whatever reason that you break half way through lawrence for a special intermission session:smoke:
  8. big lebowski is probably my favorite movie to watch high along with dazed and confused. also grandma's boy, almost famous, step brothers, pineapple express
  9. The Hangover uncut Wedding Crashers uncorked edition
  10. Were you watching that movie. Somehow, I doubt it.

  11. LOL. Gotta love the blu-ray.
  12. i trip balls on weed to begin with, hehe
    (Transformers is the worst movie ever, fuck that shit)
  13. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. however, it may not be your style. i've only seen it while sober, but i loved it then. so i would have to imagine that while high, it would be absolutely amazing.

  14. Yeah it's honestly a lot easier to follow when you're high, like you don't have to think about the plot at all, it just flows. Great movie imo, a little exaggerated but it's all good.
  15. Jurassic Park , Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , Alice in Wonderland , Toy Story XD
  16. fear and loathing in las vegas
  17. Watch Goodfellas.

    It is amazing. So many subtleties to it I only noticed blazed. Or just watch Planet Earth in blu ray

  18. thats exactly how i figured it might be. i mean they're high the entire movie, so it makes sense that it might flow a little more.

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