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best memory while high?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mc yum yum, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. what is your favorite/best memory (if you remember) lol while high. and what strain of weed was it when u had ur best memory . just wanna hear some stuff :D
  2. Best memory is the night I can't remember.
  3. I was chilling with some old friends a few days ago, and i was about to tell a fucking story maaan. i was ripped out of my mind.

    I was like.. "YO SO ME AND MY FRIEND WE"

    and my friend was like "Your lieing. I know your lieing."

    I was like so mind fucked. I had like 5000 thoughts at the same time and just zoned out for a minute. I was like "woah wait, im not even lying why does he think that HOW DOES HE KNOW THAT IM LIEING WHEN I DIDNT SAY THE STORY.. but wait im not lieing im telling the truth dude wtf".

    I just replied:HAHAHAHAHA WHAT????!?!?!?! and started laughing for like 10 minutes :smoke:

  4. hahhaha madd funny shitt
  5. my best memory was this past summer, me and my 2 friends went into a little park type thing with trees and lit up a bowl. idk wat it was tht we smoked but it was the crazyiest shit, to this day, tht i have ever smoked. anyways after we finished we started walking back to his house. as i was walking i felt like i was falling back haha we got into the car to go to the cheescake factory and i whispered something idek wat it was haha and my friend was like wat u say. anyways the next morning he told me we have dough boys i like wtf? we did?

    theres a few other things tht happened but thts pretty much it.
  6. spending 3 days up around the high peaks region of the adirondacks with two of my closest friends this summer. many blunts were smacked and we had a pretty sick time
  7. damn tht sounds like so much fun
  8. Sitting on my deck over looking our apartment complex at IU with the stadium in the background and getting so blazed with my roommates and talking about the craziest shit until all hours of the night...we would throw cushions out on the deck and just live our lives one bowl at a time :cool:
  9. #9 BricksquadLulz, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Me and 2 others went camping in some random ass woods with some a quarter of some Sweet Tooth. We all got crazy high and ended up sleeping for a good part of the time:smoke:. the rest was filled with lots of exploring,and trash talking. O ya we were so high we ate all our food on the first day. oops lol!
  10. smoked like 4 bowls of dank at my friends house then decided to walk home. I turned on my iPod and found my favorite song, at this time it was the best thing I've ever heard and I cried a little bit because of how good it sounded.
  11. haha tht sounds madd crazy and awsome
  12. Spent the night at my friends house while parents were away... i invited this girl over... Had Cali MIst... What an exhausting night that was....
  13. When I met my girlfriend. I was really high at the beach at like 1 in the morning partying there. I was smoking a blunt on the lifeguard stand and she came up and sat next to me. She told me how she tried weed once and loved it but could never find it again. So I smoked her up on some really nice bud. We have been smoking daily together ever since.
  14. My room mate and I climbed onto the top of our apartment building and we were just sitting there in the dark hitting the weed and looking at all the sights of the city.
  15. anytime its just me and my best buds chillin really.:smoke:
  16. one of my best memories was when i first started smoking. it was a blunt of mids with 4 different people. I had one of the best highs i've ever had from that blunt. Boy, do i wish i could get that high again haha, especially from mids.
  17. haha nice broo
  18. not to be crass or anything, but pretty much anytime i've ever had sex high.:eek:
  19. Here's 3 - All involve animals

    I was out canoeing with 2 of my buddies... We had been paddling down this narrow river for a few hours just absolutely ripped, when all of a sudden we turned a sharp corner and saw 2 WHITE SWANS!! The kind you see in a zoo or high end golf club.

    Another time canoeing we were sitting still in our canoe smoking some J's and after we were done we went to paddle away and sitting not even 5 feet away from us was a beaver just staring at us! We were so tripped out we almost flipped the canoe!

    Third best (trippiest) memory was when I was camping with family. Had just burned a massive blunt at night, and we could hear bullfrogs croaking to eachother. 1 frog started the "chanting" and then several hundred would join in, in perfect unicen and timing. It got so loud the entire ground was shaking. I stomped on the ground once, and they all stopped instantly. I will remember this forever!
  20. I remember things well high. but my most "memorable" moment being high was when i was at a bonfire smoking outta my friends zong for like a hour and a half straight. After that we had to leave the party so me and my buds hop in my car. we driving around just chillin then realize we missed the road to get home. we go to a church to back up and while backing up my car hits a statue of an angel. it was just funny cuz it was at a church.:p

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