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Best lighter for outdoor use?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KillaKRS95, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. Okay so I've been blazing for bout 2 years now and as soon as it hits October I always have the same lighter keeps getting blown out:(

    So I was wonering whats the best lighter i can use for outdoor blazing? I usually just go with my cheap 75 Cent locals but im done with those so what lighter can I get for under 20$ that will work in windy New York weather?
  2. You want to buy a torch lighter. You can find some for about 10 bucks on dealextreme or check on amazon for some more expensive ones. They're usually about 30 bucks so it's not that expensive but you have to buy butane to refill them.
  3. zippo lighters are good for wind and they are pretty hard to break
  4. yeah bro go for a zippo they cost about 20 bucks at a gas station and they are refillable and they last for years
  5. Zippo it is thanx guys.
  6. Only problem with zippo is it leaves a lighter fluid taste.

  7. Torches are awesome, but they aren't good for smoking glass. Perfect for joints/blunts :smoke:
  8. they sell ronson's at walmart for like 8 bucks or so, its a torch lighter
  9. I have a cheap, 12 dollar "V-force" military grade lighter. It's supposedly un-blowout-able. Zippos are nice, but yeah, I personally find that mine tastes like shit. Torches are good too, although I've never personally tried one.
  10. I'd say zippo.
    Torches are better, but i wouldn't want to torch my bowl.
  11. Bic's are alright. Try cornering the bowl at a wall
  12. Don't put the torch flame on the weed. Put it right above it and inhale. Torches are hotter than a normal flame.

    They're also good for smoking at night in public because you can barely see the flame
  13. Don't use a Zippo. I got a lung infection from the butane gas. Sux man, couldn't smoke for a few weeks. Not worth it.
  14. Zippos are worse in the wind than a Bic. A Bic blows out...but a Zip flame blows everywhere except where you want it to. Like your hands. :mad:
  15. my local smoke shop sells disposable torch lighters for $3 maybe you can find these type of lighters, it works great and inexpensive compared to other torches.
  16. jet/torch lighter. Windproof, and rain proof. Be careful when using it though because you can torch your entire bowl, or fuck up a joint. Its fairly pricey $15+ for a good one, and you dont want to get a shitty one.

    The trusty bic lighter. Cheap, and a good lighter.
  17. Get a torch lighter
    You can light a wet blunt outside in the middle of a hurricane with those

    J/K not sure if the wet blunt is tru but, wind in never a factor
  18. trying to light a deep bowl with a zippo is like trying something that cant be done.....

    for joints theyre all good tho. and why wouldnt you put a torch on a bowl? youre not gonna put it ON the glass, hold it a little ways away and that shit will burn

  19. Extremely easy to burn this shit out of yourself and, the idea way to smoke weed, is to ignite the weed at the lowest temperature possible.

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