Best horror movie watched this week?

Discussion in 'Movies' started by SplitGenetics, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. This is a thread I made because I wanna see what horror Films people have been watching and enjoying. I can always go for a real good horror movie, so I thought this thread would give me some good ideas and some insight.
    Post what you liked about the movie and also what you'd rate it, a 1/10- 10/10 .
    Just yesterday I watched the movie Hostel for the first time, and I thought it was good. Was a horror movie that wasn't all gore and horror, a lot of just regular scenes, and A LOT of tits lol. I actually watched all three of the movies yesterday, (Hostel, Hostel 2, Hostel 3) the best one to me was the first one, the second one was decent but lacked a good story line to me.. And I didn't like that the third one took place here in the states.. I liked the European theme in the first 2 (thats just me) id rate the first one a 6/10, Hostel 2- a 5/10 and a 4/10 for Hostel 3 .
    So discuss, how about you?..

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  2. One guy one jar... 4/5 stars.
  3. worste horror movie paranormal activity wow 2 hours of empty rooms 1/5
    best horror movie IMO house of 1000 corpses i just cant get enough of Baby and Otis 4/5
  4. [quote name='"CrowClaw"']worste horror movie paranormal activity wow 2 hours of empty rooms 1/5
    best horror movie IMO house of 1000 corpses i just cant get enough of Baby and Otis 4/5[/quote]

    Ugh, PA was pretty damn boring.. HO1000C is a crazy movie, I havnt seen it in a while. Insidious was pretty good, just watched it a few hours ago for the 2nd time. I think it was terribly overrated when it came out but still a really good movie IMO.. The Saw movies were alright, all those paranormal movies are pretty wack. It's it's got the word Paranormal in the title, chances are its probably a terrible movie hahah
  5. Infact I'd prolly rate Insidious a 7/10 I liked that movie a lot.. Or a 3/5 stars.
  6. I watched Shrooms recently and I thought that was a decent horror movie. Not really scary but had a nice horror movie twist
  7. [quote name='"Ean"']I watched Shrooms recently and I thought that was a decent horror movie. Not really scary but had a nice horror movie twist[/quote]

    Yeah I watched it on Netflix a few months ago on the unmentionables, it was pretty good, especially in the state of mind
  8. I watched The Skeleton Key, thought it was pretty epic tbh .
  9. Noroi - The curse. Was pretty decent, good luck tryna find it in subtitles though.
    J-Horror shits on other countries horror movies
  10. V/H/S - 8/10 Get this movie somehow, it's pretty amazing and had me really fuckin scared watching it late by myself. A couple joints makes me pretty susceptible to the found footage stuff tho haha. But seriously, it is an anthology with 4 (I think) mini movies and I liked every one, loved 3 of them.
  11. I saw The Exorcist this week.. Was watching it and my girlfriend had fallen asleep and woke up to the crucifix masturbation scene and gave me the strangest look lol

    Either way.. the Exorcist is still a great movie. And it still blows my mind that it was made in 1973 and got away with some of the stuff in the movie.
  12. Phantasm 2 an 3
  13. Cabin in the Woods. Probably the best horror movie in years, personally.

  14. yea it was awesome

    wanna see V/H/S and rec 3 too
  15. [quote name='"zah310"']V/H/S - 8/10 Get this movie somehow, it's pretty amazing and had me really fuckin scared watching it late by myself. A couple joints makes me pretty susceptible to the found footage stuff tho haha. But seriously, it is an anthology with 4 (I think) mini movies and I liked every one, loved 3 of them.[/quote]

    Where you from? I believe that movie is coming out in October in the U.S. it has amazing reviews I'm interested in watching it, very hard for a good horror film to come by in a while.
  16. Try Asian horror movies. Like Ju-On or Nang Nak. They give me the creeps all the time.
  17. Right up the way from you in CT, it was on Video on Demand for awhile so there is some not-so-legal copies floating around. :smoke:

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