three days ago i was with my boy and we smoked some dank, dank kush. i don't know the specific strain but it was amazing. 2 bowls. now this is probably the best shit i've ever smoked. we were on a bench having a cigarette (it tastes like candy when you are high) and i had a huge buzz. all of a sudden my high hit me like a punch to the face. my body went limp and i couldn't move. i kept on moaning subconciously and only my face could move, i could barely talk. you know that sensation when your foot falls asleep? i had that in both my feet, right in the center of my chest, on the tips of my fingers, and on my elbows. i went back home, it was about 1 in the morning. my eyes were fucking SHOT as i looked in the mirror. i got some italian ice, a granola bar, and crackers- all that tasted so incredible. i lied on my bed and listened to queen and rhcp and elliott smith and some beatles. the bass of every song stuck out more than anything and i bathed in pleasure. i closed my eyes and imagined the most random stuff, i was tripping out! i had weird sensations every once in a while, and sometimes i could have sworn i saw things moving in my room (for like 1 or 2 seconds). i lied down in my bed and i had the impression that i was falling. it wasn't a bad trip, it was just so powerful. i was falling and falling and falling and i couldn't get up and although my room was dark i felt like i could taste colors. the music lulled me to sleep and i woke up feeling better than i ever have in my life. what was your best high ever? what happened, what did you do, what and how did you smoke?
sounds alot like my last high in so cal. me and andrew (from work ) got high in the parking lot and then we went to pizza hut and had the best pizza ever and then went to my cousins house and smoked some more so it was great. i loved that night it was one of the funniest highs and saddest cause i knew i wouldnt be able to smoke with him anymore
my best high ever... it was the first or second time i smoked. i had trainwreck and it was my neighbors first time. we had smoked like 3 large bowls between the two of us. for our first couple of times we wouldnt feel it until like 15 minutes later. so we felt nothing after the three bowls, so im like "dude, we just need to smoke way more." so we have another 3 or 4 bowls between us (way too much for two new smokers to handle) and out of nowhere everything starts looking weird, i think it was kind of spinning. anyways...we were fucked. at that point i knew why that weed was called trainwreck. so we end up walking around my backyard for like 15 minutes and then we went swimming. after that we watched tv and ate seriously everything in my kitchen.
my best high, oh god the day i smoked with my oldest brother for real..(other than sitting around at home shootin the breeaze, and just tokin on whatever) he had a nice operation going on with his buds, and had some of the dankest stuff i haven ever seen...just fat bags, dank dank dank, and just an over all nice kinda set up (he was a grower)... so one day, i see him packing up a beautiful bong..inside i see hes packing the bowl with a mix of buds and hash...about half hash, quarter of it purple, quarter of it big red viney stuff (not quarter in weight, i mean in proportion to the bowl), mixes it up, packs it in, and fire it up.. repeat through out the day atleast 4 different times i sat there, watching the history channel...realizing that the initials of The History Channel are THC...i remember going to fat burger...and everything was great, colors, lights, darkness, food, sound, touch, everything was just the best of it...i was younger then, but even when i go down south and smoke with him, its still crazy stuff....he used to seal his blunts with honey oil and the such, no matter how dank the inside was....however, he doesnt smoke alot in amounts, just about 1.5 grams a day to himself at most...unless theres company... but that was the best high ever...where its perfect, you got good smoke, good people, good music, and good food, nothings going wrong...i dont even think we payed for that food in post thought, does anyone know if they give you your food without paying at fatburger?? memory of the cashier was just my brother askin her if she wanted to smoke after work (hes a regular)...damn...
I know what you mean about the full-body buzzing. I used to get that and it'd synchronize with music I imagined in my head. Unctrollable imagining and CEVs too. But my best high ever was when I just felt so incredibly happy and at peace with the world that I couldn't move.
My best high was def on 420 this year. My bud and I planned to skip school, but he couldnt pick me up till like 1/2 hour after school started, so i went and smoke a bowl of haze in the gym shower. Then he picked me up and we went to some park and smoked 2 bowls from the bong and a j each. then we went to the pagoda(if your from PA you might know wat that is), which is like up a mountain so the view was killer, and smoked a bowl each. Then we each smoked a blunt to the face while cruisin. Then we picked up my friend from school and each smoked the bong again. Hit up the chinese buffet, then the italian buffet, then went back to his house and basically just smoked until we passed out. Definitely the best 420 ever. Sucks now cuz both of those guys are in boot camp.
My best high ever was the second time i ever smoked, i was fucking insane. It was- amazing. Seriously. That mustve been some good shit we had.. heh heh
lol, my best time was either the second time i smoked or my first several hour car ride while high time(few months ago). second time was on new years, in Duluth, MN(pretty bad ice storm at the time so we smoked and went and did some doughnuts and shit. the several hour car ride was awsome(sp?) first time i smoked AK, a lot of it, got introduced to ATB on that ride also, there is an 1.5 that i don't remember.
My best high ever was my first time smoking after a long 1 month tolerance break. I was out of the town the entire time in Peru, and I was really stressed. When I got home my dad took a nap, so I took out my good ol' bong, packed a bowl and took a nice size rip. About 2 min later I felt different, but the feeling was completely unfamiliar. It was as if I had never gotten high before and I completely forgot what it felt like. I went upstairs to listen to some pink floyd. I had the song Time playing, and my best pair of headphones on. It was intense. The sounds were soooo sharp and clear, as if the band itself was playing right in front of me. I began to feel a warmth creep up to my body and my heart started beating quite fast. At this point I began to feel a bit scared. I didn't know what I was feeling, it just felt so unfamiliar to me. I decided to go back downstairs and try to watch some tv to calm myself down. As I sat there watching TV, it suddenly hit me like an amazing epiphany: this is what being high feels like, and that's what I am! I'm high! And it's amazing! All of a sudden I felt this intense feeling of joy and bliss overcome my mind. It was amazing. I decided to go back upstairs to give pink floyd another shot. I was also tempted to go and hug my dad and tell him it was great being home, but my eyes were red and I just went to my room. I put on the headphones and played "Time" again, and it was simply the most amazing experience of my life. The song was so real, so crystal clear, and during the guitar solo the song was so overwhelmingly beautiful I collapsed on my bed staring at the ceiling all the while feeling like I was in heaven floating in the clouds. I noticed tears were coming out of my eyes, but tears of happiness of course. After the song I felt a burst of knowledge that I learned from my trip to Peru. It flooded my brain and I knew I had to record this knowledge down before I forgot. So I spent another hour listening to some more Floyd and typing all the knowledge that came in my head. To this day I still have it on notepad, but I prefer not to share it because it is something so meaningful to me. That day was the most beautiful and glorious day of my life, and it is one that I'll never forget. I'm looking forward to my next 1 month tolerance break.
Hands down best high was the first time i did salvia. i was in this HUGE empty parking lot surrounded by trees. i smoked it out of a my buddies bubbler and as soon as i hit it i layed down on the ground, held it in as long as possible, and exhaled. i kept my eyes closed and after about 3-4 seconds of being in a state of bliss where i was not really aware of what was going on, but for some reason was so unbelievably happy with everything i could think of i woke up i absolutely COULD NOT stop laughing for some reason and i continued uncontrollably laughing for about 4-5 minutes then my friend began jumping in and out of this reality, i dont know its hard to explain, its like trying to explain a lot of the crap that happens when you trip. if anyone is really curious send me a message, its weird. but anyways ya, definitely best high ever.