Build your owm kit by buing everything individually.Sent from my SCH-R970C using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Depends on how big you want them, and how big your light is. Id say get a 4x4 with a 600w hid. You can get tents cheap off ebay and amazon (replace corner pieces with steel ones, or build pvc frame for xtra support) or search craigslist for used tent. I can reccomend thunder hid setups from amazon, 5yr warrenty. I got my 600w air cooled setup for 200. It has since raised, but still inexpensive and saves you heat related issues. if your running a carbon filter, make sure you get a good inline fan, not a cheap inline BOOSTER fan. Booster fans wont work. Dont cheap out on carbon filter, go with reputable name brands like can and phresh. I dont reccomend buying hid lights used, but anything else, hey why the hell not. Craigslist man.Sent from my SCH-R970C using Grasscity Forum mobile app