Best game to go pro in.

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Forb1d, May 18, 2010.

  1. #21 Count, May 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2010
    listen i know its possible to go to conventions and play against others in tournaments to win money. professionals get paid no matter what the outcome is. like a surgeon is still a profession where even if a patient dies on you then you still get your salary. but in gaming, only like the top 5% get money and sponsors only sponsor the winners. gaming is not a profession, its a hobby that you can win money from. theres a difference.

    sorry if i sound ignorant, but im actually very open-minded. i didnt mean to say "GC" as an administrative website, i meant "GC" as all the blades on this site. why dont we support each other to pursure healthy life activities? and i don't judge anybody on how they spend/waste their time. i judge what activities are a waste of time or worthwhile, but i never judge the person. i just think that its a shame that kids are spending more time in front of the tv and less and less time outside in nature gettin their heart rates up and enjoying the fresh air. i was merely offering an alternative way to spend the summer but if you want to spend your whole day inside on the couch staring at a TV screen then so be it. just remember that youth is fleeting and you can sit around all you want when youre older but livelihood and energy is something that gets lost as you age. im not trying to have an argument here, just think about what i said and if you still disagree then feel free to pm me or post on my wall.

  2. Why do you even come to the gaming section if you think it's such a waste of time? Why is it if someone plays games they are automatically unhealthy? I go to the gym regularly and take boxing lessons, I consider myself to be very fit and I also play a lot of video games.
  3. #23 Count, May 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2010
    did you even read what i said in the second post?
  4. the game of life.
  5. OP keep us updated on if you find anything. Game Crazy around here use to have tournaments every weekend. But around the middle of 09 they went into mad debt, so they couldn't have tournaments anymore since they offered fat prices. And they just closed in June.

    My homie played in a Skate 2 tournament, and won one of the Guitar Heroes that was like $100 in store.
  6. Bad company 2.
    Unreal tournament might be cool and fun but i'm not sure about going pro because the game's just a grindfest mostly.
  7. Starcraft is and has been for about a decade the unquestionably biggest thing in terms of professional gaming and career potential.
  8. Heroes of Newerth seems promising for tournaments, though you guys have to have a lot of practice an experience to pull off a good team. Takes a lot of skill, teamwork, knowledge of the game to win that shit

  9. Are you insinuating there is some kind of real life that has nothing to do with this electronic box I am currently at?

    Sadly, I think there are people who need a reminder of that fact.

    Sometimes I wish it was the 1950's when people actually did stuff outside commonly.
  10. back in the day would goto the mall/arcade go right to the mortal combat machine place a quater in the holder and let shit talking begin.....side bets.......pinball wars,,,,,what the fuck happend to pinball battles????? for pc games ...who knows ........i wish they still had unreal tournament,,,,,the first one,,,,,,most epic 1st person shooter ever made,,,,,,,

  11. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you need some tough love. I did my fair share of hardcore gaming in college and even made enough to pay my rent (as bi-product). What I missed out on was not worth the price I paid. If you calculate the hourly rate you would realize you probably would make more money as a beggar. This has to be the worst plan I have ever heard to make money.

  12. Team Fortress 2, perhaps? :)
  13. Get a job ftw.
  14. I'm a pro on heroes of newerth

    I'm chu.

  15. This. Heroes of Newerth is probably the best game to go pro in, as it's new and much easier to enter the competitive scene at the moment than most games and is already insanely popular, and will probably end up leading the next generation of e-sports (Tournament going right now with 600 viewers on NevaTV and probably the same amount on Honcast, most I've seen on one stream was about 2k.)
  17. Your not taking into account that a lot of the people that are good enough to make money doing it probably don't mind playing all day anyway and would likely be playing almost as much if not as much without pay. You regret it now, but were you regretting it then?
  18. i think he means thats all the hours of practice you have to put in to become really good and pro in a game, you could use to have a job and make more money in the end, if your not good enough that is. And the time spent practicing your in your room or wherever, not going out much and so forth.
  19. 3-4? I'd say L4D but I don't know how legitimate that is in the tourney scene. Really the best thing to do is try some stuff, find something that you're all good at and work well together in, and stick with it.

    Fighting games are the best for getting good at and making money off IMO, but doesn't sound like that would work for you.

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