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best friends = stoner friends

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by chokedtocroak, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. There is one thing that bothers the hell out of me on a daily basis in my life. That is how fake everybody around me has become. Ever since college started a few years ago people just.... changed. Ive lost my best friend and my close group of friends. Every girl has turned into a whiny little whore who says she is looking for a good guy but goes out and fucks everything they see [this one kinda humors me lol]

    but there has only been one type of person that has stuck it through and not turned into a fake prick. That type of person would be the stoner friends i know. I could show up to there house anytime i wanted to and it would be with open arms.

    i guess this is another one of lifes lessons and i guess this answers the question of why dont older people stay in touch with all of their old friends. For me it doesn't matter. I started to see people change in every way but good ways so i stuck to my true friends. Yet everytime i get online or go out i have to laugh at how fake everyone has become.

    my question to the old heads here is "is this one of those things that happens everywhere or just in my tiny, crappy, shithole of a state we call delaware?"

    keep it real GC, dont be that douchebag who turns their back on true friends. stay classy san diego!
  2. Dude the stoners are often the best friends, I personally have a group of friends that I first started smoking with. We are the orginal 5, and we honestly are the best of friends, each person is unique, but we all are brought together by the unifying herb. And we will remain friends for years to come...i know that
  3. #3 T r i p p i n, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2010
    I know exactly how you feel man, people are just too into themselves and the 'life' they are living. I don't think people are necessarily better friends because of smoking or that only stoners are good people, however I do feel like the chances are greatly increased for them to be all around more tolerable and enjoyable to be around. I've just come to accept the fact the most of the people I meet are fake/assholes/something else. On the other hand I try to understand why they are the way they are but some people just plain suck.

    Just hold on to your true friends and never back-stab them.
  4. #4 Murs, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2010
    The only reason they're your best friends is because you guys have the common connection of enjoying smoking weed. If for some reason you have to quit and can no longer smoke ever again guaranteed your relationship won't stay the same. That's just how it is.

    Obviously those who don't smoke aren't going to remain your best friend forever if while you're smoking they are off doing other things. Stoners just have the same mindset as each other so it's easy to become friendly with each other. Remove smoking from the equation and a lot of times you find there's no other connection really.

    People have to go on with their life so yes people change, it's inevitable and not worth complaining about. Even stoners "change". See if your still saying all this is 10 years.
  5. Dont get pissed because i'm giving your high school crushes what you couldnt

    and chilll, if longevity of friendships is what makes a good friend to you, then get a turtle, the motherfucker will stay with you for life.

    Friends come and go, to me its not about how long they stayed with me thats important, its the memories and the experiences that should be whats special
  6. Because weed brings people together. It makes it close to impossible to be in a bad mood, and if you get angry at something while stoned, there's a damn good reason. Everything else just doesn't matter, drama, fake bitches, etc.

    It's part of the reason I love to smoke weed.

  7. If smoking weed has that much of an impact on what you and other people do together then you need to find some new things to do. Sure smoking is great and enhances just about everything but you need to be able to enjoy things without it as well!

  8. now that made me laugh

    maybe i was too high when i posted this the first time. im not trying to be a whinny bitch about people not being my friend anymore lol. to be honest i could care less about those people now. what i ment in the post is how "fake" people have become.

    maybe you dont know what i mean by fake. posers, fronters, jokes, clowns, assholes, call it what you want. people that say one thing and do another. Ive just noticed once you hit about sophmore/junior year in college peoples mentalities go fucking haywire.

    i was trying to see if iim the only one or if other people have seen this as well. personally i look at it as just another thing that happens in life.

  9. I've seen some of your posts... and honestly... you seem the the typical forum douche.
    Regardless of this douchebaggery, I agree to this post, I have a ton of fake-ass "friends", and my stoner friends don't seem to be changing to ME, and were all really close
  10. Hey man, I know DE sucks but im one of them stoner friends /w arms open. And I feel you on the fake shit that happens over the years... just think about what high school you went to lol.

    I'm sure its like this everywhere; you always gonna have the fakes but that's all the more reason you gotta value the real people. Shit, its the same here, 95% of my good friends are stoners... not a bad thing, the plant unifies.
  11. hahaha much love,, i know what you mean--your talking about all that drama that people have in their life. i dont deal with it, cause honeslty if some bitch thinks that i really give a shit about how she ran out of ice cream in the middle of the sex and the city marathon and that started a huge fight with becky cause samantha lied about eating the last waffle cone..shit, shes got it all wrong
  12. I'm talking about OP and his "stoner friends".

    All I'm saying is a stoner will obviously be better friends with another stoner than someone who doesn't smoke weed at all. Doesn't mean there is anything wrong with the other person, or that stoners are better people like OP seems to be pointing out, it's just different personalities who mix differently. Stoners aren't exempt from character flaws OP just has a ridiculous bias right now.

    I just think this topic is stupid.
  13. I like this ATLiens guy. your forum humor is that of something i would see on 4chan which pleases me.

    and fumar verde we know eachother too well. please dont remind me of that fucking hellhole of a high school we had to go through. eh honestly 90% of the fake people i know come from that place which makes perfect sense.
  14. you seem like the kind of guy who tries to fit into a crowd by insulting someone, i prognosticate that the for-mentioned person will not give a fuck about your opinion :wave:
  15. I think weed amplifies how much you enjoy your friends, but only in the same way that video games or movies do. If you have friendships based on just getting high then you must not be picking good friends.

  16. woah now watch what words you put into my mouth. the title of my thread is just that. a title. im not trying to say that STONERS ARE TEH BEST PEOPLE IN TEH WORLD, YOU MUST BE STON AR TO BE GOOD! the thread is ment to be about how i see alot of people being fake. yet i have not seen too many stoners be fake and turn their backs on me. this doesnt mean that every non smoker i know is fake.... when the hell did i say that?
  17. #17 LightAnother, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2010

    Longevity is the most important factor in a friend.

    When you actually know a person over a large number of years you actually know them properly and be able to disscuss serious life issues with them and worthwhile conversation instead of the usual joking around which comprises most convos.

    Lol, that sounds a bit girly, but I think it's true.

    @OP People who you can smoke with are just people you'll enjoy chilling with more. What do you do with your stoner friends when your just hanging out? Smoke up, right?

    Where with non smokers you'll just sit there and be bored.
  18. i agree that you get to know a person better over time, but i know people that i met 5 years ago that im not as close to as people i met just a few months ago

    oh lol i guess my point is that longevity is important; but i dont think its the most important
  19. Just remembered that my best friend is my stoner friend haahaa--the only part of college sucks :(
    we go to different universities
  20. i definitely feel as if it allows you to be closer to someone on that certain level! most of my really good friends are stoners! good chemistry + sharing a good high = :hippie:

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