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Best friend is fleeing... :(

Discussion in 'General' started by geetardude, Aug 15, 2007.

  1. (sorry about this wall of text)

    One of my BEST friends has been living with me for the past 2-3 months. He had nowhere to go, he had nothing. I met this dude when I was in fucking 2nd grade. He was my actual BEST friend's brother.. and it was always awesome how my best friends were brothers. He got charged with felony burglarly which he did not commit. It was an incident at a country-side kegger that got busted. He plead guilty, just so he could get out of jail. Dont really understand that myself. He got put on 2 1/2 years probation, if he violates he does 3 years minimum in prison. He's been trying to get a job, but no one will hire a felon in this area. To put it blunt, he's just fucked himself so many times in his life, that theres just no chance for him outside of serving time in prison. He admitted this himself. He'd been smoking weed, and drinking heavily which obviously would violate his probation. Last night, we got drunk as fuck. He had been talking to some Social Services-type person to get him re-located to a bigger town, where he could really try to straighten his life out. She was supposed to talk to his probation officer today about getting him in re-hab or some shelter. Anyway, last night he was talking about how he thought he was going to get drug tested. He had no drug tests at all up to this point, which was surprising because he has the king of dicks for an officer. As the night went on, he was saying how he didnt really care if he failed, cuz it was inevitable, he figured he'd only have to do like 1 1/2 years in prison with good time. I ended up passing out around 2 am, I guess he continued with his 12-pack. His appointment was today at 9 am, I woke up at 8:52 to see if he went. He wasn't here, so I assumed he went. It wasn't another 10 minutes, when I saw a note by my computer. Basically, it stated "Fuck this shit, I'm running. Tell ***** in person that I still love her. Just tell you know, the cops that I went to Texas or something. Dont tell anyone where I'm going even though I know you dont know where I'm going. You've been a great friend, have a nice life. Thanks for all the good times and laughs man. Take care of my stuff, later bro" This is fucking with me so much, because he left with nothing but the clothes he was wearing. He was talking about going to california on the west coast to be a bum. I dont see how he would make it there, I dont see how he would make it out of Illinois, honestly. The thought that maybe he committed suicide is pushing through my mind hard as ever right now. It's just FUCKED UP!!! None of his family even knows yet, and I'm going to have to be the one to tell them... Not trying to use alcohol as a crutch, but I think me and Jim Beam are going to have to another night together, although thats all I've done all week leading up to this. This was LITERALLY one of the only people currently in my life that I call a friend. I only have like 5 friends, but this was the closest. Thank you grasscity, for giving me a medium to get these emotions out, even if you didnt read this.
  2. I read it dude. dont worry GC is here. If you ever need to talk im right here.
  3. well dude, even if he did commite suacide, or if he ran away, he might even be coming back, he said take care of my stuff, so either he'll be back, or he want you to take care of it becuase your his best friend
  4. man, thats no good.

    hopefully he wrote down your phone number, theres always a possibility he could hit you up sometime n tell you hes ok
  5. We're here for ya bro.

    if I may offer a suggestion, if his loved ones do ask, I know its hard to be stuck in this situation but give them the bare minimum of info, something along the lines of "He didnt tell me where he was going, but he wanted me to tell you that he loves you..etc "

    Hang in there.
  6. I don't mean to be mean,but you should of convinced him to confess and say it was'nt him.You could still go thru to him if you had a number,but I don't think you don't.

    Well let's hope for the best....I had a freind just like that...Car after car he stole,I got caught in the first one,but never went back,he just kept going and going.

    Some people are just naturally bad at making decsions,you can't help everybody thats what I say.
  7. I dunno how else to start this without saying dude or man... damn dude that sucks. If he bailed before the court date theres a good chance he got out of town already. The key after that is keeping low and not running into johny law. Theres a lot of oprotunity in California (i cant spell and i'm doing alright). You might hear from him again.
  8. By "confess" are you talking about his burglary charge? A little info on that. I was asked to attend that same party, but I decided "fuck that" I just had a feeling it would get busted. I didnt know he went to that party for 3 more weeks when I found out he was still sitting in jail in a different county. Basically, all was said and done before I even knew about it. I kept asking him WHY he plead guilty when he didnt do it. Answer was always the same "dude, it got me out of jail."
  9. I don't think he would have committed suicide, honestly he probably just tried to make a run for it. However, if he's on probation the cops will eventually start looking for him, or who knows maybe he'll find a way to run across the border and flee to Canada? Time will only tell dude just gotta keep those thoughts positive. When you tell his family do it in PERSON, don't send a letter or call, this is their child, they deserve to hear it to their face they may never see him again.

    Best of luck man and hang in there. And just remember drinking isn't gunna bring your friend back, only bring you down dude.
  10. I'm trying to hope for the best, I really am. Is there really that much more opportunity in california though? He has no GED, no driver's license, and a felony. As for telling his family in person, his closest family is his grandmother and uncle that live in the next town. His mom, stepdad, and brother live in St. Louis. I'm going to call his grandma when she gets off work at 3 so I can get the numbers to his parents.
  11. In all honesty dude, he's not gunna be the only one in Cali with no GED or license, at least he's legal.

    And that kinda sucks that not all of his family lives close, maybe you can see if you can assemble all of them at one place? I think that'd be easier then telling the story multiple times.
  12. I know this is gonna sound bad,but you could tell the police on him,tell them he fled to California,and if he calls you ask him where he is,and tell the police his exact locations.

    Nothing but bad can come from situations like this,don't even tell his folks,you should take it in your own hands.

    You should still tell his folks,kinda got stuck in a rant there...
  13. Yeah, I'm not trying to drink or anything. I need to quit this shit, I'm just going totally sober today to clear my head. I'm thinking he probably left at like 4 am or something in order to get out of town before any cops were around.
  14. What are you an immagrant.

  15. that does sound lame man. would you honestly do that?? the cops on him?? I try to respect law enforcement to a certain point, but I would never call the police on somebody, especially a best friend when running from the law. (stranger id prolly call cops on) maybe for trying to kill me or something if my life was in danger or i had been robbed of a lot of things.

    this kid is likely going to get picked up by the cops eventually, and to put the cops on his trail is kind of lame. He already has so much good stuff going for him and everything..

    (also I think the note saying he was going to texas was a bullshit location to throw the cops off his trail, who knows where he will end up)
  16. thats hella sad bro, my thoughts go out to ya, and imma take a fat ass rip offa my bong when i get some herbs for ya
  17. wow bro, thats some tough shit man, i'm really sorry tp hear about that. i would talk to the familly as soon as you can, get it over with. He did NOT commit suicide. if he did he would have been leaving notes for others and he would be blunt. a friend of mine from when i was younger i've known this kid since i was in 8th grade, comited suicide, and he didnt leave even a note. thats how i know when youre that depressed your going to make a blunt statment or somthing. it sounds like he just needed to get out of that place. good luck homie.
  18. Hey,

    so he ended up calling that social service person about 2 hours ago. She called my house to let us know. Apparently, he hitchhiked over to the next town which is about 20 miles and called his grandmother. She picked him up and he's staying there for the next few days, only about 10 miles from here. I'm going to call him in a minute to see what the fuck was the point in all of this. It seems all he managed to do was run from a damn probation appointment which probably wasn't going to drug test him, anyway. Only now, I'm pretty sure that if his officer finds out, he can revoke his probation for this. What do you guys think? Alls well that ends well, I suppose.. but FUCK this has been a day for the record books.
  19. my best friends dad actually was a hobo how hopped trains to cali and joined the circus, he was a straight hippy

    now hes an eye doctor, pretty well off guy. Hes pretty cool if you ask me, but thats kinda besides the point

    good to see that no harm has come to your friend. skipping an appointment wont do much good, and lowers the chance of leanency imo
  20. in all honesty my cousin did the same thing when he wasd 18. he ended up going to a motel . (he wasnt running from the law only his faimly) so i would check all the cheap motels or hotels and just go into anywhere that was his ussual hangout and ask them if he has been around... cause its really hard to jkust pack up and leave. not impossible but hard.

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