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Best feeling!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Stimulated, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. The best feeling is just laying here in the dark high as hell listening to music, while surfing gc on my iPod. Yeh I've been writing this
    For like 20 lights years
  2. Only thing that sucks is falling asleep... I don't lay down with intentions of falling asleep. Me + high in bed = sleep whether I like it or not lol.
  3. The best feeling right now too me is not being high I really feel clear......been high for about two days....been doing AVB and Olive oil....coupled with doing some vape hits here and there its been pretty cloudy the last couple days started thursday night round 900 took my last hit last night at 1230 am

    Just been doing so much lately I cant even tell when Im high i just feel tired.
  4. Thats exactly what i do almost everynight before i fall asleep.
    But without the high part , ive been on probation :/
    Janurary 20th is the fateful day XD
  5. [quote name='"PuffDaddy420"']Thats exactly what i do almost everynight before i fall asleep.
    But without the high part , ive been on probation :/
    Janurary 20th is the fateful day XD[/quote]

    Stay strong, damn POs
  6. lol i feel ya. except it's whenever i'm comfortable enough. like the other night me and a good friend got super ripped and we were chilling on his couch watching tv and i nodded off and woke up to him staring at me being like this dude straight passed out and i was like fuck and laughed then i ended up straight passing out for an hour or so and woke up and saw him sleeping so i fell back asleep lol we both ended up waking up at the same time a few hours later like wtf haha.
  7. you guys slepped together
  8. ^lol no. i was on one couch and he was on another adjacent to it.
  9. i thought this thread read 'bust feeling' which is, in my book, the best feeling
  10. lightyearss is distance lol
  11. my best feeling is when you take a bowl after a couple weeks tolerence and you just get so fucking riped

  12. Light year is a measure of distance, not time.

    I am an asshole for pointing that out. I accept that. :smoke:
  13. I was baked, didn't even remember writing that to be honest.

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