I know American Eagle gets 40% off all full priced items. im looking for a job so i figured i might as well get a job with a good discount!
Pretty much any clothing store offers employee discount's, and it seems like they generally run around 40% (for most store types). I would just get a job and be happy I had it in this shitty economy.
Best buy's discount is roughly 10% over cost, which is about 40% off most things. If best buy doesn't make much profit on the item then it won't have much discount, like videogames/systems, PCs, music. I got $1500 off the 65" DLP we have at my house tho before I quit!
one of the main reasons that clothing stores offer such a discount is because they want you to endorse their clothes... in hot topic and dots and a lot of other stores, its mandatory at my last job i got a 50% discount...but it was pet supplies, not clothes...
i get 25% off pet items/pet food, 40% off lawn and garden items(scotts/neptunes/bacto promix/ect.) 60% on annual/perennial plants during season and free when they're past bloom
Congressman! - treat every customer like shit - sole responsibilities consist of saying Yay, Nay, or Present. - get money from other businesses - murder your secretary! - do your part in destroying society
for best buy you pay 5% above what best buy pays for the item... for some things its awesome (get a 100 dollar monster cable for like 20 bucks, a 2gb flash drive for 87 cents, etc) but for laptops and tvs and stuff... best buy really doesnt make much money off them at all so the discount does almost nothing