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Best Edible To Make With 4g's of Vaped

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by k-money, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. basically i have about 4g's of vaped goodies and i was wondering if that was enough to make a suitable edible.
  2. Making firecrackers with vaped bud would be pretty gross..

    so i say just save up till you have at least a half ounce of vaped shit, then just make brownies.
  3. With 4gs the best is hands down firecrackers. I recently made an 8g batch of firecrackers with vaped bud. I sold a few to my friend and he said they were the best edibles he's ever had, so it's definitely worth a try
  4. fry it in olive oil -- just enough to cover the bud... wait until browned -- then strain out bud and mix the oil with nutella or peanut butter (for taste) -- LET IT COOL FIRST -- then a few spoonfuls with put you into orbit...

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