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Best deals

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by troy909, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. what is your best deal you have ever gotten from your dealer, just curious
    my best deal was a little less then a quarter of dank white widow shit like 6 grams for $35 cuz the cops were onto his house he said it was awesome for me it must have sucked for him tho
  2. Damn dude that sounds killer!

    I wish I was that lucky... :smoke:
  3. I am my dealer. On the very rare occasions that I buy it it's from old friends, so I pay wholesale prices for top shelf bud, typically 100-200/oz. for the more exotic stuff.

    I myself spend about $10/ounce for the best stuff imaginable. Everyone should grow their own.
  4. thats alot harder then it sounds when its illegal in my state and u still live with your parents (im only 18 im not a bum or anything lol)
  5. Free.

    I called my dealer and half-jokingly asked if i could pick up a five-sack. He says he can do something for me, and I get there and he gives me a dimebag and tells me to keep the five and go buy a blunt.

    He's a good man. lol
  6. It's illegal in my State too, and oh well on the latter. More incentive to move out :)
  7. OSG, I think your awesome! :smoke:
  8. Best deal or situation Ive been in was when one of my homeboys moms grower friend got raided or some shit and right befoe it happend she got a plant and it yielded round a little more then a quarter ounce of som premature but smokable dank and a about an ounce of leaves for free. she gave it all to her son and I basically smoked bout half of it.

    Again my homeboys mom gave him 2 ounces of some low grade fruity smelling dank for christmas. Was a good fuckin christmas I tell you, smoked probablya half of that shit with himin about a week. Don't get many deals for dank around here just the occasional good mids for super cheap at cetain times a yr.
  9. Thanks but I'm just a dude. I don't like the whole hero worship thing, but I do appreciate the sentiment.
  10. Yeah dude, were all just people. I'm not idolizing you, just saying:

    You're kick ass.

    That is all.
  11. Ok in that case thanks :)

    Sorry, I have just been getting sick of the whole "OSG is a god" shit lately.
  12. I picked up around half an eighth of some White Rhino for 7 bucks once. It was like 6 people in my friend's garage and we were all blazed out of our minds. I jokeingly asked him if I could pick up that sack he had for 5 bucks and he looked at me and said gimme 7 and deal.

  13. get off his dick, bro.
  14. My best deal has been freebie seeds from Attitude. ;)

    It's been years since dealing with a dealer, but sadly, I don't remember any amazing deals that I can think of. But... I consider that a good thing, since it often leads to growing your own.

    You're not a god? Well, that certainly explains why you haven't been answering my prayers. I thought you were just ignoring me. :D

    I guess I can go back to being an atheist for now, but let me know if you change your mind on that whole "god status" thing. :laughing:
  15. Demi...

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