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Best deal ever recieved ( NO SHWAG )

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by nonrecyclable, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Hey GC,

    I was wondering what is the best deal that you have had while buying weed ?:smoking:

    On 420, my dealer gave me 7g's for 7$:eek:
  2. #2 l StayHigh l, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    150 dollar oz

    Attached Files:

  3. a free oz, half of sourd and half of northern lights. that was a great week:smoke:
  4. I got 3oz of high quality shake and 1oz of nice hydro lavender, $300

    Or the time I landed a $500 QP of some nice outdoor dank

    I love harvest time.
  5. Damn !:p those are some good deals
  6. Northern California man, freaking EVERYBODY grows.

    The good news is, I'll bet you that you're seeing deals like that in your neck of the woods or even better within the next 5 years :)

    Now is an *exceptional* time to be a pot head, IMO
  7. 14 grams for $55
  8. free ounce.
    1800 dollar indoor lb
    125 dollar oz's of indoor
  9. 1000$ indoor pounds og, sour d, cheese. Like the previous poster said, northern cal is craziness!
  10. wow you guys have gotten really good deals, my buddy hooked me up with 14grams for 100$ of dank. :)
  11. $550 QP probably, i dont know haha.
  12. had a friend that grew, gave me about a half ounce free. wasn't the best, but hey im not complaining

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