First off I would like to say that there are gonna be a ton of haters that will not believe this story, I might have some trouble believing it if I was reading it but it is completley true. Me and my friend were driving around (I was driving) and we had a joint and an eigth of some dank, I had the dank in my pocket and the joint was in the ashtray of the car. We smoked the joint while driving and about 15 minutes later I come to a yellow light and speed up a little to pass and even though I thought I made it I got pulled over so I guess not. The cop comes over to the car and says "smells like you guys had fun in here" and I got really nervous becasue I really did not want to get arrested with the dank I had on me. He asks me to step out of the vehicle (I don't know if he had the right to do that or not) and he searches me, he pats down my pocket and feel the bag, he asks me what it is and I say its a crumpled up tissue, he asks me to take it out and i pull out the bag, I felt like complete shit and was so nervous but he looked at me and said that if we gave him half of it he would leave us alone. I had a scale in the back but of course did not pull it out, I gave him about 2 grams and he said "Don't let me catch you again, I can't let this happen twice, there are better places to smoke then in your car" and he left. How insane "21 years and I aint never met a good cop" - Drake I call bullshit on that line
Thats all cops can do around here now... in MA the civil fine for possesing less than an ounce has no consequences for not paying it...and theres no history you ever got the ticket
It would be great if that particular cop did that to every stoner he pulled over and just had a fat stash at the end of every month.
Wow, I wish the cops would've done that if I got caught. When I got caught with a dub on me they threw out the possession charge and gave me a disorderly conduct instead.
If every cop did this, instead of taking everything, charging you, or arresting you. I wouldnt mind it at all. I think it would be rather fare lol
haha nice, my buddies had a similar thing happen to them. They were driving around and got pulled over, two of my friends were drunk (under age) and the other two had weed on them. Anyways the cops gave my two drunk friends MIC's and the two with weed had to give it to the cops and walk away. They were all in one car but the two with weed got off clear (well without their pot but no tickets) and the two drinking got MIC's. Fair? who knows, all i know is the cops definitely were taking that for their own use.
My senior year I had a reputation for throwing fat parties so I decided to have one graduation night. I was also known as one of the biggest partiers at the school, smoked a lot and drank a lot. So I was never really labeled as a stoner. So anyway, about 100 people came, the corner around my garage where we usually smoked had about 40 people out there chiefin, the cops smelled it or somethin and busted the party. 50 people got arrested, and the cops seized just under a qp in weed. Then they brought the drug dog in, he promptly fell asleep in a tent set up in my backyard, then got up and found a 5 gram blunt. My friend was hiding in the rafters at the time and heard 2 cops pick it up and say, "this is the biggest blunt i have ever seen, let's sneak it back the car." Goes to show how professional some cops are. Oh and that time of year everyone was into recreational use of adderall so helllla people were tweaked out and the cops told the paper they thought we were smokin meth and doin coke. All my teachers read the cop report. fml