Best cartridge for high tolerance

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Jdevil33, Mar 5, 2021.

  1. I’ve been buying lots of raw gardens since no other cartridge gets me high anymore except for raw gardens or heavy hitters I’ve had one other live resin cartridge but it was bad and most distillate carts dont work or well the ones i’ve had dont work. Are there any brands i should try that’ll get me where raw gardens do? Or is there better? I’m not too knowledgeable in cartridges but most brands dont work for me.
  2. id take a tbreak bro, help ur pocket out a bit and restore the tolerance.
  3. Never buy black market carts and if you're in California make sure the store is licensed because they have a ton of shops that aren't. The brand of cart shouldn't matter at all, the THC percentage does.
  4. I heard a bunch of people saying its more than thc that gets you terps and other stuff I do have my mmj card so i definitely buy from dispensaries but i dont want to waste my money So i just go for raws
  5. I have had a select, sublime, and orchid cartridge but they haven’t Gotten me high at all all from licensed dispos
  6. Well there's other cannabinoids besides delta 9 thc but I'm pretty sure most carts pretty much isolate mostly thc and even most of the terps get lost but they add them back in. The "entourage effect" is what people call terps and other cannabinoids adding to the potency of each other. However I have heard mixed conclusions about it and I don't think there's actually been enough research that completely proves it to be true, or that it's particularly effective.
  7. You probably just need a tolerance break then it sounds like you may have a super high tolerance. Maybe try edibles.
  8. That’s why regular flower will always reign supreme lol its much simpler lol
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  9. I do see a difference when i intake thc differently. I smoked a j of some pretty low low bud lmao and man i was higher than if i took a bunch of hits from a raw garden lol but my problem is just convenience
  10. All the legal carts are about the same thc content. I think you should lay off the carts for awhile. They are ruining your tolerance.
  11. Best cartridge for high tolerance..?
    44 Mag.jpg
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  12. I like hash-oil rosen carts. They are solvent-less.
  13. I have found that Terpes by High Life Farms, if you can find them. Work fucking amazing.
    The ones I ended up with was White Runtz, 83% thc and was 25 each.
    I wont dick around with any other carts.
  14. Any recommendations on brands of rosin carts?? Lol
  15. I’ll give them a look
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  16. I have found myself running into the same problem. We need a tolerance break.

    I even tried the PAX device, which is a different type of cartridge that they sell here. I still dont feel anything.

    So I stick to flower at home and only have my cartridges for work/ emergency situations. I cant wait to start back at work, that will definitely help me cut down on the amount I am currently smoking.

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