Best book for COMPLETE n00by?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by spikeystud88, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Ok, so I've narrowed it down to these 2 books: Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible (9781878823236): Jorge Cervantes: Books Grow Great Marijuana: An Uncomplicated Guide to Growing the World's Finest Cannabis (9780977650507): Logan Edwards: Books

    Now I know the 1st one I linked is considered the overall 'best' book, but I've heard that it's not the most noob friendly and is best if you already know a bit about growing.

    I've heard from others that the 2nd one is perfect for people who have no idea what's going on (like me) and that it literally walks you through each and every step along the way...even down to building a grow room, which exact cheap lights to use, etc.

    SO fellow blades...which book do you suggest for a n00b like myself?

    Thanks in advance!!
  2. Honestly, between the sticky threads and grow guides on this site (as well as others) and YouTube video tutorials, I don't know why anyone needs to buy a book on MJ growing anymore...
  3. I know, but at the same time it's nice to have something that is complete from start to finish, that I can take with me anywhere, that I dont have to print out/seek out online. I've read pretty much all the guides here, and they're great...but in terms of me learning something, nothing beats a book.

    +rep for the suggestions though, I appreciate it!
  4. All this information practically IS a book. Seriously theres guides from everything to starting to finishing.
  5. Check the guide I wrote in my sig if you want...

  6. Checking it out as we speak, awesome so far...thanks!
  7. Cervantes' books are great. But I'd go with the devs. There's a billion more info in here than you'll ever find in any book. Just do a search. ;)
  8. Please don't buy a book. Marijuana is too easy to grow with this website around.

    Good luck though man:smoking:
  9. If we all got together, we could write a book.But then we got high.....
  10. I own both; The bible simply is the best book, no others have even come close to it. Grow Great Marijuana, is mainly for Hydro-systems but offers info understandable for the n00b.
  11. Has anyone checked out the the "grow 8oz of marijuana for under 100$" it just sounds way too easy to be true.. Or must be be an outdoor growing book but thats not the way it seemed.

  12. Thanks for the info, I'll prob go with the bible then.

    I was wondering this too. I had seen others mention that book, but I couldn't find any solid info about it here on GC.
  13. The Bible is on Google Books
    Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor ... - Google Books

    Grow 8oz under whatever, terrible, don't even waste money...I think it's downloadable somewhere on this forum just search for it...It basically follows a grow with no explanations of HOW to grow.

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