So what are some of the best names you have heard of for a bong or a pipe? Some of my favorites are Toadstool, Snaggle Tooth, friend also had a spiral spoon called The Barber Shop Special
My medicali is named Dr. Phil... EDIT: A few years back my friend had a bong that was completely black and he named it Wesley Snipes.
My buddy had a bong named "the whore" because she got around, and I had one I named "twix" because every time my gf asked me some dumbass question, I would put the bong to my mouth and act like I couldn't answer, like in those twix commercials
One of my boys has a decent 2 foot glass bubbler with a pull out slide and he calls it the Sniper. Every time a new person joins the session they ask where he came up with the name..then immediately when that person takes his/her hear..BOOM! HEADSHOT!
I have a glass piece called "White Lightning". I have a bong called "Boss". I have another bong called "Coke".
i had a friend who had this bong that she told me she named "black man." i asked her why. her response? "cuz its two fucking feet long" lmao. dumb and funny and the same time.
My bong is a sick 1 footer but has a diffuser, a tree perk and an ice catch. i called it "Biggie Smalls" because its a small bongs but you can take Phat ripps out of it. I also was owner to a pretty nice blue and orange bubbler that I called "Bob The Bubbler" mocking Bob the Builder. My Friend owns a bong that he called "Tony Bongtana" Mocking Tony Montana from Scarface.
[quote name='"domedstoner"']My bong is a sick 1 footer but has a diffuser, a tree perk and an ice catch. i called it "Biggie Smalls" because its a small bongs but you can take Phat ripps out of it. I also was owner to a pretty nice blue and orange bubbler that I called "Bob The Bubbler" mocking Bob the Builder. My Friend owns a bong that he called "Tony Bongtana" Mocking Tony Montana from Scarface.[/quote] Ha these are hilarious.