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Best bong for under 75

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by HerbJedenTag, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. #1 HerbJedenTag, Aug 7, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2012
    Hello all, I was just wondering if you guys could link/suggest me some nice quality bongs for under 75. I know its going to be the best for 75 but I want it to be decent. Thanks!

    These are a few ive been looking at..

    Im a bit of a bong noob and not sure about the terms 'Ice Catcher' and 'Diffuser' Or 'Percolator'. Lol. sorry to come off as such a noob, just getting a bit tired of my itty bitty spoon.
  2. Ice cater is those notches to support ice and Perc is an extra chamber for smoke to go through water and make it smoother .......

    Idk about either bong but for 75 I can get a good bong with Perc at my Lhs but he has good stuff at good prices
  3. i like the second one better and if u have enough id buy some percs for it
  4. Hmm alright ill defenitely get one with a perc in it then. Thanks man.
  5. I like the first one
  6. Go to your lhs and say you have $75 to spend on a water pipe. That way you can actually see, and maybe test (water only), what you are going to buy

  7. Yes this is what I was going to do..just thought maybe could get a better quality piece on the internet.
  8. That black leaf looks gear only has the ice catcher and it was 90...

    you want anything with an ice catcher...and thing else is just a added bouns to how harsh the smoke wont be...something like that anyways
  9. ssfg glass
  10. In all honesty if you have a smokable pipe right now, id save my money if i were you and get a great quality piece.

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