generally, once you get that little seedling started, I've never really noticed any big "difficulty" difference between different strains. if your growing environment, watering, nutrient set-up is fairly dialed in anything should grow well. The biggest difference i've noticed is germination success between seed breeders. I'm FAR FAR from any expert and freely admit to more than my share of mistakes and screw-ups and really do try to take most responsibility for germination failures as my own mistakes, but in many cases evidence strongly suggests issues weren't necessarily me... anyway, without bad-mouthing any breeders, i'll say that of the ones I've grown so far I had particular good luck with 420Fastbuds seeds and also Barneys Farm seeds in terms of germination success. currently i've got 4 different strains of Mephisto going, although getting the seeds going on this grow was a challenge..... but once I got some started they simply grow themselves really. of course, there are dozens of breeders out there, MANY that only do Auto's only, so there are any to choose and select from.