A heat gun and a bowl . Dont buy any other 50 unless u want a eletric pipe or a vape that will break after few weeks and is bad for your health . Sent from my SCH-I535 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Vape pens will not vape dry herb............at least not yet. The yet to be released Grasshopper looks promising though.
What do you mean heat gun and bowl? I'm just looking for a way to smoke weed without a smell I thought vape pen would be best
Perhaps you should do some more research. If you want to smoke weed and not have a smell, you need to find weed that doesn't smell like weed. Regardless of whatever pen you use, the vapor will typically still smell like weed. But as someone else mentioned, if you don't plan on spending $50 or so I wouldn't suggest buying any portable vaporizer out there. Save up and get the Arizer Solo or the Ploom Pax portable vaporizer, they're both excellent quality and you won't be disappointed.
Or the Pinnacle, or the Ascent, or the FireFly, or the MFLB, or the Lotus, etc. Lots of great choices out there.
Yeah for sure. As far as vape quality goes, I'd go with Solo. If you want to smoke weed in class, go drop $250 on the pax haha
Beware of pinnacle!!!!!!! I bought one and with in a month it broke. I contacted the company and they ignored me. They have very very bad customer service!!!! Please do not spend your hardearned money with a company that treats its customers this way. Thanks from ALASKA
From my research the mflb was the one to go for on a budget and I love it although do want that bit more so fancy a desktop vape now.
Google vhit reload, it combusts or vapes when not packed but its very discreet long as u dont hotbox 5 bowls or exhale in your shirt... my current go to method of smoking
Google vhit reload, it combusts or vapes when not packed but its very discreet long as u dont hotbox 5 bowls or exhale in your shirt... my current go to method of smoking
No. Read this thread: http://forum.grasscity.com/vaporizers/1205179-making-better-oil-pen-pics-included.html
MFLB is good and reputable for a portable budget vape, you can usually find them on ebay for around $80. It's small enough to be stealthy like a vape pen though - can hide it in the palm of your hand.
i thought about trying that since its just a larger version of the vhit reload, but i been so satisfied idk if im ready to over do it yet lmao
[quote name="Loonygoon" post="19403724" timestamp="1390655904"]i thought about trying that since its just a larger version of the vhit reload, but i been so satisfied idk if im ready to over do it yet lmao[/quote]Lol i hear u. Looks like a big hitter.
I say check out the Vapor Genie if you don't wanna spend too much and don't mind the hint of wood when you vape.
Dragon Lite is the only thing I've found for under $50 that actually produces vapor rather than smoke. It's a cheap plastic Magic Flight Launch Box knockoff. It's not great - you get what you pay for - but it meets your criteria.